"He is taking Ron to that new Italian restaurant in town," I mutter softly as I feel tears forming from the corners of my eyes.

Jug gently takes my hand and squeezes it.

"You know what, let's go watch a movie today," he suddenly suggests, trying to brighten up my mood.


Jughead told me that he would pick me up at 7 and since today is a Friday, curfew is at 12.

"Have fun on your date with Archie," My mom giggless like a teenage girl as she throws me a wink.

"You better be back by 12," my overprotective father sternly says, probably worried about guys  who might try to make moves on his little girl.

"I'm going out with Jughead," I correct her before I slip into my pair of black wedges. I decided to dress up a little, so I wore my black skinny jeans and a cream crop top. I even did my hair in a little French braid.

Humph, I'll show him how feminine I can be.

"You are going out with who? Sorry dear, I thought I heard you say Jughead." The very thought of that makes her chuckle in amusement.

"Yep. Jug asked me to the movies." I grab my bag, ignoring the clatter of plates coming from the kitchen. "I'll be back home soon." I assure them as I hear the honking of his car.

I wonder why they looked so shocked. I step out to see Jug sitting in a sleek black Ford. "Wow, Is this your car Jug? How come you don't drive it to school? " I wonder aloud as I slide into the plush comfy leather seat. I'm very impressed right now.

"It's my dad's. I think driving is bothersome, and anyway I have Archie driving me around, so I'm fine without a car," He grins at my face which is full of awe before starting the car. "Ah, and by the way, you look good Bets," he adds as he briefly glances in my direction. His compliment makes my heart beat faster all of a sudden.

"You too Jug." I blush as I take in his appearance- a white t-shirt with a leather jacket and black fit jeans.

He looks hot.

Wait! What am I even thinking?!

The ride to the theatre was short, and half of the time Jug was discussing his new theories and plans for Archie to ask me out.

"So which movie do you want it see?" he suddenly asks as we stand at the ticket counter.

"I want to see mission impossible." I excitedly point at the big poster with Tom Cruise on it. I am a huge Tom cruise fan, can't really help it. He is too hot to be true.

"Thank God, I thought you would pick a chick flick," Jug says, looking a bit relieved.

"Nah, it usually puts all my dates to sleep."

Even after I insisted, he still paid for my ticket, saying that it's not right for a lady to pay. We live in a time where feminism is thriving. I wanted to argue with him, but he was so insistent that I gave in.

"Wait! " Jug exclaims as he grabs my arm as I try walking into the theatre.

"What?" I ask in surprise.

"We forgot about the popcorn," he whines as he drags me to the snack counter, and let me tell you, he bought everything but popcorn.

"Let's go," he sings, smiling happily with his arms overflowing with food.

"I'm right behind you, Jug." I wheeze, lugging behind him with a mountain of food piled in my arms. Since Jug bought way more than he could carry, I was assigned the task of carrying half of his snacks.

"Be careful not to spill anything," he warns, looking at the pack of gummy bears which is dangerously placed at the corner of my stack.

"Easy for him to say," I mutter under my breath as I watch him wobble with a packet of chips on top of his nachos along with three hotdogs. I don't even know where he got that box of pizza from!

We sit in our seats with much difficulty due to the truck load of food but luckily there wasn't much of a crowd. The movie released two weeks ago, so there are a lot of unoccupied seats. When the advertisements starts, I turn to Jughead as I suddenly realize that this is an actual date.

"Hey Jug.."

"Yeah?" he asks absentmindedly, busily gorging his foot long sub.

Now when did he buy that?

"Have you ever been on a date before?" I ask slowly. He stops chewing and shakes his head.

"Nope, never. "

Oh boy.

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