Beau’s hands fell to my waist and he leaned down for a kiss. I closed my eyes and let him kiss me for a couple seconds before I pulled away.

            “What kind of goodbye kiss was that?” Beau joked and I tilted my head at him.

            “A sufficient one, now go…”

            “Bye Darce,” Beau smiled down at me and squeezed my hand goodbye before he started down the front walkway. I turned and stepped back inside, finally happy to be alone.


            I was sitting on my bed, comfortable in my sports bra and long black spandex pants. I was going over my notes for my history class when I heard a knock on my door. Before I could tell them they could come in, Leo pushed the door open.

            “Leo!” I exclaimed, running over to my dresser and scrambling to find a shirt to pull on. I spun back around when I was decent in a light purple v-neck t-shirt.

            “Sorry Em,” he laughed a little bit and stepped up to me, leaning in for a kiss. “I wanted to see if you were around to help me with some homework…”

            I exhaled and jumped back on my bed. “Depends what homework it is and how hard it is,” I teased, patting the bed across from me. Leo dropped his backpack and sat across from me.

            “Well, it was some math and then a history question that I didn’t understand in class.”

            “Let’s do the math first,” I said, moving to sit next to him as he got out his things.

            “It was these problems…” Leo’s voice trailed off as he showed me the problems and handed me his pencil. I explained it to him as best as I could and he watched as I finished the problem for him as an example.

            “Get it?” I asked, looking up at him.

            “Yes, thank you,” Leo pecked my lips and I smiled.

            “Are you going to get a hundred on the quiz on Friday?” I asked, nudging Leo’s arm as he put his notebook back into his backpack.

            “Probably not, but it makes more sense than before.” He tilted his head to mine and I leaned into him a little bit more as he took his history textbook out.   

            “It was these couple questions,” Leo showed me the sheet of paper that his teacher had given him, “they were confusing.”

            “Did you read the chapter?” I asked looking up at my boyfriend whose face went straight.

            “I was kinda hoping that you’d give me the answers…” his voice trailed off and I laughed out loud.

            “I’m here to help, not give you answers,” I pushed his arm and sat back across from him. “Read the chapter and you’ll understand the questions.

            “Fine,” Leo huffed, opening the textbook to the correct page and starting to read. I pulled out my own history textbook and started reading as well to answer some questions that my teacher had assigned my class. We were quiet for a while, just reading to ourselves. Well, I was reading, I wasn’t so sure if Leo was. He just sat across from me in the same position for the entire time, although I don’t think he was actually reading the textbook, let alone even thinking about doing homework.

My Heart's Song (Sequel to Forever and Always)Where stories live. Discover now