The Tree of Samsara

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Rosemary's eyes lit up like two blazing green bonfires as she glanced upwards, reflecting the most dreamlike sight that she had ever witnessed in her young life. Her vision scanned ahead through the mob of thick tree trunks towards the edge of the forest and she gradually slowed her pace as she approached the sacred place. The glowing white leaves on the tree of samsara were comprised of pure unrefined starlight and they seemed to make the surrounding air bend and dance in the distance. A gentle breeze leisurely played across the wide moonlit clearing in front of her, causing the leaves to shimmer like the glassy surface of a wave at dawn. The moon shone down from high above Rosemary's head, casting its silvery streams of ghostly white light through the canopy of the old growth forest, illuminating clusters of leaf litter on the ground around where she now stood.

She had been trekking constantly for two weeks with little rest, food, or shelter and had finally reached her destination at long last. The immaculate white light that the tree was emitting casted huge monolithic shadows on the ground behind the 13 standing stones that protected and encompassed it. An ocean of lights high in the night sky above seemed to peer down and watch intently as Rosemary made the final steps of her long journey.

The thick bed of damp green moss was alive and springy beneath Rosemary's bare feet. For a moment Rosemary contemplated the significance of her role and what was happening cosmically in its entirety, or rather, what was going to begin to happen to the souls on her home planet, Nibiru, in merely a matter of days if she did not hurry, or worse, if she was intercepted. Her senses were flooded with awe and yet, within her heart she had never felt more anxious and concerned in her life.

The guardian stones had long stood in place, protecting the immense cosmic power of the tree. These crystal titans had shielded the leaves from slipping into the clutches of darkness for innumerable eons and this was the very first moment in time since their construction that an entry would be allowed by them. Her soul had been weighed on the scales of empyrean truth against the feather of cosmic purity and these archaic custodians had made their judgement.

As Rosemary stepped out of the thick forest and approached the circle, to her astonishment she could hear the gentle voices of the stone guardians faintly whispering in her mind. They were acknowledging the sacred nature of her mission!, informing her that she would not be harmed upon entering the energy matrix that was emanating from them. Rosemary approached the edge of the circle and stepped inside, passed the ring of colossal crystalline giants onto the surface of the translucent glass pond that the sacred tree was rooted in.

At the exact moment upon entering she immediately experienced a mountainously vast energy shift in her spirit and the atmosphere around her suddenly appeared to vibrate and hum. It raised her heart with a burst of exhilarating wonder and acceleration which instantly made her feel ten-thousand feet tall. Visually, this paradigm shift was one of the most tremendous things Rosemary had ever witnessed in her young life and streams of emerald auric energy were flowing and dancing all around her. She looked down below her feet through the icy surface of the bioglass and saw the living roots of the tree stretch down endlessly, deep into the infinite black void below. She walked up to the tree, and it slowly stretched, arching its branches down in order for her to reach out and take its precious gift. Upon removing her possum-fur hat, Rosemary's earthy brown corkscrew hair exploded in all directions before floating down slowly to settle on her shoulders and back. She took one single leaf and gently placed it inside her hat. Rosemary sensed the potency of the leafs light as she waved her hand above it, simply playing with its rich love-filled energy field for a moment. She folded the hat upon itself and carefully tucked it down as deep as it could possibly go, right to the bottom of her rucksack. Now that she had acquired the leaf from the tree of Samsara, the need for considerable haste was extraordinarily large. This was the most critical time period in the history of the entire galaxy. The return journey, back to the abode of Samos was to be even more precarious than it had been up until that point, especially now with the added element of the insecurity of the leaf. The fate of so much life rested in such a delicate balance that she could not afford to be delayed by any person, creature or force. The risk of being intercepted was growing steadily as more symptoms of the galactic infection manifested. Rosemary knew very well that the darkness had already begun to take its toll on many of the animals, causing them to become rabid and evil with the influence of the entity's voice in their minds. She had already seen many signs on her journey to the tree of Samsara, and the trees of the forest had communicated to her that their spirits were collapsing under the immense weight.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 16, 2016 ⏰

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