"Ah yes, Mal. Look I know you don't have to work until Monday, but can you come in today? I'll pay you overtime."

"Uh sure. What time do I start and what time do I end?"

"Now? I'm so sorry for calling you on short notice, Alison called out sick and business is just crazy right now. You can go home whenever business eases up, which is around 8:00."

"Wow so an 8 hour shift. Okay. I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Bye Mal! Thank you so much!"

          As I got up I remembered that I was supposed to go with Shay to pick up the tickets for the concert. She'll understand.


"Yea Mal."

"Look I'm sorry, but Mark just called me in to work. I'm leaving now and I'm gonna be back home around 8. I can't go with you to get the tickets. Drop me off to work so you can take the car to get the tickets."

"Alright. That's not a problem."

"Cool. Cool."

          I toss Shay my keys as we get in the car. Throughout the five minute ride, the car is silent other than the sound of Build God, Then We'll Talk playing. As Shay pulls up to Starbucks I give her the "talk".

"Shay, I am trusting you with my car. If you hurt my baby, I kill you. If you spill anything in my baby, I kill you. If you fucking crash my baby, I'll kill you, then I'll throw you in the garbage because you're not good enough for recycle."

"Yea yea. I understand. How many times we've had this talk? And your "baby" always ends up fine. Cool? Cool."

"Ugh. Just take care of my baby okay? Bye."


Shay's Point of View

          After I dropped off Mal, I came back home and took a four hour nap. I'm now leaving the house to get the tickets. After a twenty minute drive I see the radio show's building. I quickly park hella excited at the fact that I'm gonna get tickets to go to the concert. As I walk in, I see Zack and I approach him.

"Hey Zack! I'm Shay. We spoke earlier on the phone? I'm here to pick up the tickets for the Panic! at the Disco and Twenty Øne Piløts concert."

"Yes Shay. It's great to see you. Before I give you the tickets I'm gonna need to see some sort of I.D. to make sure I'm giving them to the right person."

"Yea that's fine." I say as I pull out my wallet and show him my Driver's License.

          Zack checks to see that it's the correct name on the driver's license. A few seconds later he hands me my license and the two tickets.

"Thank you! Have a nice day!"

"I will." He says with a wink.


          I drive back home and I take a shower before Mal gets out of work.


Mal's Point of View

"One grande Iced Caramel Macchiato for Eric!?"

"Yup. That's me." Eric says with a smile.

          He takes his coffee and he walks away. Five minutes later Eric comes back.

"Hey look over there." He says.

          I turn my head, but I don't see anything.

"What was there?" I ask him.

"Oh nothing." He says with a sly smirk.

          He takes his coffee and he walks out. As I look at the clock I notice that it's almost 8:00. I call Shay to remind her to pick me up. I make Shay a Cotton Candy Frappuccino while I wait. By the time I'm done Shay texts me saying that she's outside. I say goodbye to the other employees before walking out. As I get into the car, Shay gives me this creepy smile before holding up the two concert tickets. I end up having the same smile on my face and I'm not the type to squeal, but I squealed.

"Oh my god I can't wait for tomorrow!" I tell her.


          She always says that. I hand her the Frappuccino before she drives of. Shay gives me a look of confusion.

"Why are you giving me this? What did you do?" She asks.

"Bro, is that how low you think of me? I didn't do anything..." I reply.

"Uh okay. Whatever." Shay says with suspicion.

          As Shay drives into the sunset I think about how tomorrow is going to play out with a smile on my face. When we get home she hands me my keys and we go our separate ways. I pull of my apron before empty my pockets. I see a piece of paper fall out. It says, "Call me. 1-234-567-8901 -Eric". Oh so that's why he told me to turn around. I'm not interested but I keep the number anyways. I change into my pajamas and I get under my covers thinking about how I'm going to be seeing Brendon Urie tomorrow. Swoon. Right before I fall asleep I hear a loud voice coming from the kitchen.


          I pretend to be asleep because I know that she's gonna barge into my room any second now. Shay and I both have a strong obsession of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. I finished my stash so I took hers..

"Mal, did you not hear me? Oh you're sleeping. Lucky bitch." She mutters under her breath.

          I mentally give myself a pat on the back before going back to thinking about the man of my dreams.


Author's Note: So that was the second chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. The next chapter will be much more eventful I can assure you. I actually don't know what picking up concert tickets from a radio show is like so I just made it up. Stay alive |-/

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