If Bri was 16, then I was... Then I was... 24! And I had a 3 year old girl? Weird. Claree hugged my legs.

"Awunty Bwiana was gonna make me eat vegitibles." Claree complained.

Like, I was feeded lines, I turned to Bri and asked, "Where's Cas?"

"He's with Ky."

"All right." I said. "Come on honey, let's go find daddy and Cas."

"Kway momma." Claree said obediently. As we walked away she turned and stuck her tongue out at Bri.

I rolled my eyes. There was a lot of Bri in Claree.

"ARI!" It was Grandmama.

"Hmm?" I mumbled sleepily.

"You fell asleep while you were waiting for 5:00. I thought you might like to know its 5:15." Grandmama smiled wickedly. "Who naps in the middle of the day now my old lady dove."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry I called yo-WAIT 5:15?!?!" I yelled.

Grandmama nodded. "I going to go take a nap, my headache is feeling worse." She mumbled.

"Gran!" I called.

"What?" She said, obviously tired.

"Can I- Should I-"

"Just go. And bring back some berries."

"Thanks!" And I was out the door.

Kyron's POV

I sat impatiently on the grass. I felt like I was in kindergarten again, sitting criss-cross.

"Ky!" Ari burst out from the foliage. Her hair was a mess, and her forest green dress was wrinkled, but she was still the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. If only I didn't have to tell her...

"Sorry I'm late but I fell asleep cause you know how comfy that couch in my living room is I think it's made of lamb wool but anyway I'm so sorry but I'm not really THAT late but I should still honor our agreements and I'm like 20 minutes late and I guess that is pretty late so all I'm trying to say is so-" Arielle rambled.

I cut her off. "Ari. I forgive you. Besides, you're rambling again." It was something she had picked up on after the fairy realm. She spoke fast, like somebody was going to stop her if she didn't.

"Sorry." She said, sheepishly.

I gestured for her to follow me. "Since you were late I was able to set up something a little more... Shocking."

We entered Stella's glade, and Ari's jaw dropped. All of the trees were hung with magical fairy lights that I had bought from the local wizard. A small table was set in the middle, covered in flowers.

"Ky.... What's all this for? Is there an anniversary I missed." She said, alarmed.

"No but next month is the anniversary of the day we met." I kissed her forehead.

"It's beautiful!" Ari exclaimed twirling around.

"Ari, now that we're here, there's something I need to ask you."

Ari stumbled into my chest, dizzy. "Yes?" She asked, her big blue eyes wide.

"One day, in the future, do you think.... Just maybe, you could marry me?" I stammered out.

"Of course I will." Ari stated. "I'm surprised you even had to ask. I love you Kyron."

"I love you too Ari, that why this is so hard."

"What is?" Those big blue eyes were filled with confusion now.

"Ari, the war with Falion is getting harder. They need more fighters. There going to start conscripting soldiers from our village."

"What do you mean?" She asked, but I could see the pieces coming together in her head.

"Ari, they dropped of a letter this morning. I'm going to war."

Ok, so Ky's chapter was a little short but it had a lot of good stuff in there. I'm sorry to say this is the last chapter. There will be an epilogue, but after that I think I'm done with this story. I am so totally joking, I would never desert Ari and Ky like that. The next book is going to be a little different though so brace yourselves.

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Bye bye Bunnies!


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