Tyler, a strong football player, was called on next.

"Si pudiera volver atrás en el tiempo, me gustaría ir de nuevo a cuando me robaron mis hermanos flamante moto y tiré a un lado de un edificio."

(If I could go back in time, I would go back to when I stole my brothers brand new scooter and chucked it off the side of a building.)

Everyone laughed...well, except for me and Sam. "It's not funny you guys. I got in serious trouble!" Tyler exclaimed.

He returned to his seat and called on Kian. Kian stood up and walked towards the front of the room.

"Si pudiera volver atrás en el tiempo, me he comprado el ponche de frutas en lugar de Arizona Mucho té Arizona mango."

(If I could go back in time, I would've bought fruit punch Arizona instead of mucho mango Arizona tea.)

We all laughed, even me. Kian is so stupid sometimes.

"Well, thank you Mr. Lawley for your concern of the taste buds. Please take a seat." the teacher said.

About 10 other people went before the teacher called on Sam.

He stepped forward and began his report. This could be his chance to make it up to me. I payed close attention.

"Si pudiera volver atrás en el tiempo, no habría sido tan estúpido" here it comes! I thought, he's gonna apologize! " y accidentalmente rompió 3 de mis dedos."

(If I could go back in time, I would not have been so stupid and accidentally broke three of my fingers.)

I let out a loud sigh. I thought he was going to say that he was stupid to break up with me! This is outrageous!

"Bella, it's your turn." the teacher called after me.

I stomped up to the front of the classroom and made up a new report.

"Si pudiera volver atrás en el tiempo, no me he mudado a California!"

(If I could go back in time, I wouldn't have moved to California!)

But then I took it a step further.

"Tanta mala mierda me pasa aquí! No puedo soportarlo! Los hombres están tan sobrevalorados. Tome notas de las señoras!"

(So much bad shit happens to me here! I just can't take it! Men are so overrated. Take notes ladies!)

"Okay, uh, that's enough Bella--"

"NO!" I roared. "I'm so done with this place! I hate it here! Both of my parents live in a different state with my oh-so perfect sister, my friends think i'm a whore, and my boyfriend, excuse me, ex-boyfriend is a jerk!"

Sam's head shot up. He opened his mouth but didn't say anything. I really wanted him to though. Maybe it would help.

"C'mon Sam! Don't you have anything to say?'' I asked with fury.


"Just spit it out! Tell everyone how you don't love me and how you think I'm just a stupid bitch and don't want anything to do with me!" I waited. "TELL THEM!"

"I'm not gonna say that." he said.

"And why not? You made it clear yesterday!"

"No, I didn't!"

"Yes. You. Did!" I stormed out of there. Surprisingly, no one tried to stop me. 

I ran home. Not only are boys overrated, but school is too!

Just An Average Love Story (Sam Pottorff: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now