Who's being hunted now ?

Start from the beginning

Helsing ready to fire that arrow straight at Lucas, they both gave each other the eye. A stare down. The tension was horrible, I did nothing but sit there watching. I wanted to do something but what could I do ? 

"No !" I screamed. Glancing over at Lucas, he was holding the arrow. My heartbeat was racing. In a snap, Lucas was standing in front of Helsing, Lucas leaned against him and whispered something to him I wondered what he said. 

Lucas  backed away, gasping away, there was the same arrow in Helsing's shoulder. Helsing eyed me as he ripped the arrow out of his shoulder. Anger boiled in him, that suddenly in a snap of a eye he had Lucas in his grasp. Lucas struggling to get away.

"No... killing you will be slow and very painful" he explained. Lucas didn't even move a muscle. Suddenly Lucas outwitted him, in a split second Lucas had Helsing in his grasps.  "No stop !" Helsing warned him. I stood up.

I darted over and began grasping Lucas's shoulder, his face glared over his shoulder. His eyes were black, as black as night, teeth bared out. I noticed already, Lucas bit Helsing. Lucas shoved me back and resumed, his vampire instinct kicked in. 

I closed my eyes as he brutally attacked him, hearing the horrid screams from Helsing was quite disturbing. Hearing a thud, I slowly opened my eyes and glanced towards Lucas. Seeing Helsing, his body was slumped against the floor. 

Most likely dead. I glared over at Lucas, he was covered in blood, blood mixed in with his saliva causing it to drip down his chin. His eyes still black, he glared at me in an angry way, it was unusual. But at the same time he was making me feel uncomfortable. 

"Lucas... Are you okay ?" I asked concerned. "I'm better then ever" he smiled as blood dripped down the side of his mouth. "Lucas are you sure ? your acting weird" I explained. Seeing Lucas eyeing Helsing, he was intrigued at his body lying there in a pool of blood. 

I bit my lower lip, hesitating to tap his shoulder. I took a step back, but heard something snap under my shoe. I looked down, but in the corner of my eye, Lucas was watching. I gripped my arm, "Lucas your scaring me" I told him. "No worries...come over here" he said smiling.

I really didn't want to, but I did. I stopped in front of him, "don't be afraid Zoey" he said. Staring into his dark black s eyes, they were quite disturbing. I turned my face away, suddenly feeling his cold fingers over my skin. Seeing his fingers slowly run down my cheek, as one finger slowly descended onto my lip.

His finger gently smoothed over my lip causing a tingle, leaning in so close that he suddenly stopped, and became unaware of the surrounding area. Lucas eyeing everything around him, turning to see Helsing's body was gone. "He's gone" I said. Clutching his arms, Lucas removed my hands and was a few feet ahead.

Lucas suddenly came crashing into me. Lucas was on his feet in a snap, but he then went flying across the room.  Seeing him thrown into the wall, I turned back but was quickly lifted up into the air, feeling being choked. I began gasping for breath, trying to swallow was really hard.

I felt his nails digging into my neck, groaning in pain, his grip tightened, "death awaits you" he said in an cold way. He brought me closer towards him, still choking me, he leaned close to my neck. I felt his breath against my skin, I felt him adjusting his fingers.

My breath was fast and unsteady, I waited. "Mmm... fresh warm blood coursing through your veins" he said as he smelled down my neck. "All it takes... is one simple bite" he whispered in my ear. I felt his dry mouth against my neck.

Suddenly feeling grazing against my skin, was this the end flashing before my eyes ? I fell to the floor, smacking my head against it. Blurry visions took over, seeing silhouettes. Trying to sit up, a headache came on, I felt dizzy as I tried balancing up right.

The lights were very sensitive, I stood in the middle of the doorway, staring at nothing. Seeing Lucas, his voice seemed so far away... "Zoey" I barely heard him saying my name over and over, trying to get my attention, I stared off dazed. I began feeling light headed, that I began seeing double.

Not far off I blacked out. The last thing I remember was seeing Lucas, but now I didn't know where I was. Opening my eyes,I found myself in total darkness, but then again I heard crashing. I ran my hands over everything till I found a doorknob.

Once again, Lucas was fighting with Helsing, Lucas glanced over towards me, "Zoey..." Suddenly Helsing grabbed hold of him and totally turned on him, he bit into his neck. Lucas was furious, he threw him onto his knees and just snapped his head.

Helsing dropped to the ground, Lucas bent down examining his body, I walked over. "He is dead right ?" I asked worried. "I broke his neck Zoey" Lucas informed me. "What now ?" I asked. "We leave this place" he said. Lucas grabbed my arm, dragging me out of the house.

Later that night, Lucas and I sat alone in the middle of the forest. "So..." I said. "Now that Helsing is gone what now ?" I asked. "We can live in peace, and not worry about a hunter wanting revenge on us vampires" he said. 

"I know that Helsing was crossed, but why hate vampires ?" I asked. "Wouldn't you hate vampires if they murdered your family ?" He asked. "Yes, but" I said. "No buts Zoey... Once a vampire tastes blood, we are addicted to the smell, and taste" he explained. 

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