Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: The New Girl

Deep breaths Elena. You'll be fine, it's only a new school. No one will even notice you're new.

If only that were true. The moment I stepped into Westerfield Middle School, I could feel the piercing stares. I could hear the whispers starting up. Ducking my head, I weave through the crowd of teenagers. "Don't panic Elle, they're just curious." I mumble to myself. I fix the backpack strap on my shoulder and clutch my book, Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief, tighter against my chest.

This was 6th grade year, about half way through the year. Everyone went to elementary school together, and everyone had their own groups to migrate with. The athletes, the nerds, the weirdos, the losers, and the wallflowers. Everyone except me. I was the new girl, moved here from Chicago, IL to Lancaster, PA. The one with large, nerd glasses that accented my boring brown eyes, a run down style, large frizzy hair, and a book.

"Who is she?" "What are those clothes!" "What book does she have there?" "Another nerd?" The whispers surround me, invading my ears and pressing into my brain. Why am I such a curious person that they have to whisper? I walk away from the whispers quickly, towards where I assume the main office is. Suddenly, I'm startled by the sudden appearance of a girl in front of me.

"Hello! I'm Rebecca Gardener! Are you new here?" The Mexican girl is about 5'1" not all much taller than my 4'11" frame. Her long, black hair surrounds her round, tan face. Her petite body is covered in stylish, but strange clothes. An Asian style dress, I believe. Her face radiates joy and welcoming.

"I'm Elena Sentry." I smile shyly at her. "Yeah, I'm new here. I just moved from Illinois." She grins at me and hooks her arm in mine. "Where you headed? I'm in 7th grade!" She announces proudly. "I'm going to the main office. Do you know where that is?" She nods and pulls me the opposite way I was heading. I roll my eyes at my stupidity.

"So where in Illinois were you? Were you living in the capital?" She asks me, as she drags me along. "Uh, no, I was in Chicago, about 3 hours from the capital." She looks at me curiously. "Chicago isn't the capital?" I chuckle. "No, Springfield is the capital. Chicago is just a big city."

"Oooooooohhhhhhh! I get it! Have you ever been to the capital?" She grins at me excitedly. "Yeah I have. It's a little boring there. It's main attraction is Abraham Lincoln stuff. Museums, the burial site. Sometimes I go when they're having Civil War reenactments or parades or the Illinois State Fair. Other than that it's a pretty boring town."

We arrive at the main office as soon as I finish. "Here we are, the main office!" We walk in and head for the secretary desk. I see the secretary, a frail looking old woman with a kind face. "Hello dears, how are you today?" She smiles at us, putting her papers to the side. "Hey, Mrs. Gale! This is Elena Sentry! She's new here and needs her schedule." Becca answers for me.

Mrs. Gale nods and shuffles through the schedules. She grabs the schedule and hands it to me, with a school map. "Here you go dear. Have a good day and have fun at Westerfield Middle School." She smiles at me warmly. I smile back shyly, "Thank you, Mrs. Gale." Becca quickly pulls me out of the office.

"What's your first class?" She asks excitedly. I look down at my school. "World History with Mr. Burnett." She giggles. "Good luck with him.  He's just down this hallway. I'm going to Algebra 1. See you at lunch!" She runs off in the opposite direction. "See you!" I yell after her.

With a sigh, I walk down the hallway, looking for room 113. I look at the left side of the hall, and see only even number rooms. So I glance over to the right side, and go down the numbers. I quickly find 113. Taking a deep breath, I walk in slowly.

As soon as I walk in, I notice everyone's eyes snapped to me. I look back at them nervously. "Who are you?" A booming voice resounds around the room. I turn my head and see Mr. Burnett. His balding head shines with the glare of the lights. His boring plaid shirt and khaki pants make me think he's the kind of boring teacher that's mean. "Elena Sentry..." I say quietly. "I'm new here."

Mr. Burnett nods. "Alright. Since I'm in the middle of class, just take a seat over by Madeline. Madeline, raise your hand." A skinny girl in the back raises her hand and I walk over to her, sitting down next to her.

"Hey, I'm Madeline, but you can call me Maddie." I smile at her. "I'm Elena, but you can call me Elle or Ellie." She grins at me. "Where did you move here from?" She leans towards me a little. "Chicago, Illinois." She nods and opens her mouth to say something else, but is quickly cut off.

"Girls, quiet down. I am trying to teach a class." Mr. Burnett calls to us. We nod and when he turns around, Maddie makes faces at him. I laugh quietly and grin at her. I think I've just found an awesome friend.

Soon enough, lunch arrived. Walking to lunch, I was surrounded by 12 new friends. Some introduced to me my Maddie, some by Becca in between classes, and some I made on my own.

Charity is the oldest. She is in 8th grade. Her blue hair and brown eyes are a strange but beautiful combination. Ben is the next oldest, also in 8th grade, with his twin sister Penny. Both are tall with gray eyes and blond hair. After the twins is Isabella. Her raven black hair is always pulled in a ponytail. The next oldest is Daniel, who is also in 8th grade but months younger than Isabella. He's on the short side, but his muscle makes up for it. Close to Daniel is Bryan, who is a month or so younger than Daniel. Bryan is (secretly) gay, and has the goofiest jokes. He has pretty blue eyes and brown hair, with a lanky but not unattractive physique. After Bryan, is Joseph. He's really quiet but when he is talking, he's the sweetest. His Asian heritage adds diversity to the group.

Next is Becca, who is in 7th grade. After Becca is Rick. He's basically a brother to me. He's also of Asian descent, but also American, which is why he has blond hair. After Rick is Nick, ironically. But no matter how close their names are, they are completely different. While Rick is Asian American, Nick is African American. Rick is outgoing and sweet, Nick is shy and funny. It's awesome to see them talk.

After Nick is Madeline, her birthday is not too long before mine. Then it is me and Rebel. Our birthdays are the same. Rebel is just like her name states. She doesn't like following rules, and she always talks back. But when you get to know her, she's actually pretty fun and sweet.

Laughing with them all, we walk into the lunch room and get our lunches. We go and sit outside, hanging out by the trees, eating and talking. Suddenly Becca stands up and yells, "Alex!", waving her hands wildly. I see a boy walk over, lunch in hand.

"Elle, this is Alex, my twin." Rebecca smiles, introducing me to the tall, Mexican looking boy. "Alexander, actually. But you can call me Alex if you want." He sticks his hand out to me with a goofy grin on his face. "Nah, I want a different nickname for you. My name is Elena, but as Becca said, Elle is my nickname." I smile and shake his hand. He laughs, "Alright. It's only fair if I call you something else." I laugh and nod. "You got it."

School went smoothly after that. I mostly kept to the group when I could. I met only one person after that. Sammy, or Sam. He's also Asian and likes to proclaim loudly that he is of royal descent.

Riding the bus home, I smile the whole time. My first day and I met so many awesome people. Today was absolutely amazing.

First Chapter of my new story! This story I'm going to try to update regularly.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2015 ⏰

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