Chapter 12

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We both walk up slowly to our bedroom, opening the door to our messy bed and whatever we left lying around this morning. And then there's my phone. I'd rather forget about that. Harry smiles even more making his dimples deeper. I walk over to the wardrobe brushing my arm breezily against Harry's chest. My arms extend and pull out the clothes that I'm going to wear today and I chuck them gently on the bed behind me.

"Hey what was that for?" I hear Harry chuckle. I turn around swiftly to find my leggings on Harry's shoulder. I laugh softly and get my clothing off Harry. I watch as Harry seductively takes off his shirt, once again revealing his tan abs. My hazel eyes focus on his magnificent figure; I completely forget what I'm doing. Harry rolls his blue shirt covering his body. My cheeks blush as I stop daydreaming. 'He is perfect isn't he' I think to myself in my head.

In a slight hurry, I put on my full length black printed leggings, white singlet, beige knitted top with a cute owl and a pair of socks. I look over to Harry and see that he's dressed. "You ready babe?" He asks me. "Just one sec, I need to do my makeup and hair." I reply with a cute smile. I start pacing myself to my makeup table when Harry gets in the way. His tall muscular figure stands in front of me with arms crossed across the chest. I try to slip to the side but he catches me and delicately grips my torso, spinning me in the air.

His green eyes shimmer. Harry carefully places me down and kisses me lightly on the forehead, "you're amazing just the way you are; you don't need any makeup babe." He reassures me. I bite my lip and hug him tightly, wrapping my arms around his waist and pulling in close. I pull back from his grasp and do my hair. I can't be bothered doing anything so I put it up in a messy bun. Harry skims my look from head to toe and smirks happily. Harry's fingers entwine with mine as he extends his hand and I grab it.

We make our way to the front door walking down the creaking steps. My hand lets goes of Harry's and I put on my ugg boots over my socks. Suddenly, I feel some material wrap around my waist. I tilt my head backwards and see that Harry has wrapped my favourite red scarf around me. He gently tugs on it, pulling me in closer to him as my ugg boots smoothly glide on the wooden slates. I fall back and he catches me heroically in his arms. Harry lowers his head and I kiss him kindly on his plump lips.

He unites the scarf off my body and cautiously swerves it around my neck, letting it hang loose. Harry lifts me up so I can stand on my own two feet. "Outfit complete." He whispers. I giggle and he opens the door, signalling me to walk out. We both walk out to the harsh climate, no more warm fires and delicious hot chocolates. Harry takes my hand and shows a compassionate smile. I smile back and we begin to walk down the road towards the park.

"So um how's work?" Harry asks trying to start a conversation, "Apart from Greg." He states awkwardly. "Pretty good," I reply, "Stephanie is having her engagement party next weekend. You've met Michael before right?" He nods his head up and down steadily. "Had a drink with him a couple weeks ago, nice guy, Stephanie must be really happy."

"Well um actually, both of us were invited and I was hoping you could accompany me." I look up at his gorgeous face worryingly. I know he hates fancy dinners and likes to keep it casual, so I don't know how the cards will play out. "For you, anything." His white teeth shine through.

"Yay!!" I squeal happily and get up on my tippy toes and peck Harry gently on the cheek. I resume my position by his side and he asks me, "Can I please pick your outfit for the night?" I look at him with clear confusion on my face. I ponder why but don't ask him. He's going with me and that's all that counts. "But of course babe." I reply warmly to him.

Our delightful little conversation continues, laughing at each other's jokes and puns. "That's not how I sound like!!" I giggle at his attempt to mimic me. Harry gets this little sparkle in his eye. We both look at each other and grin cheekily. We run down the road where Cold Rock Ice Creamery is, we look like little kids.

Harry fixes his beanie up before we enter. I walk up to the glass in front of the tubs of ice cream. The selection is amazing; it even tastes better on a cold day, don't judge haha. It doesn't take me long before I have made my decision. I quickly glance over to Harry to see that he is also ready to order.

I tell the lady what I want and watch in awe as she mushes together vanilla ice-cream, Oreo bits, m&ms and rolls it into a scoop. She places it on top of the chocolate waffle cone and hands it to me. Patiently waiting for Harry to receive his delicious cold treat, a face reflects off the glass.

A gasp is emitted from my mouth silently. Is that who I think it is? What the fuck is he doing here, so to speak?? Argh. He's not ruining any more of my life. Hearing about Harry's past makes me really motivated to get self-defence classes, or learn from him. No more being treated like shit!

Harry pays for the ice-cream and we exit the shop. "Honey, is everything ok?" I hear him ask me, "It looks like you've seen a ghost." I stare at him with wide eyes, not a peep. My scarf sways from side to side, in time with the wind. I start to lick my delicious ice-cream kinda ignoring the fact that Harry even said anything.

We pace ourselves down the street in silence. Only the devouring of our ice-creams can be heard. I mentally count down how long it will take Harry to snap, he is pretty impatient. "Evelyn come on, tell me now." He demands in a firm tone having enough of my crap.

Doing Dirt  {edited+completed}Where stories live. Discover now