The song

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I'm in the recording studio when I see...the vamps.
I should probably start at the beginning.

3 months ago

I wrote a song called on my own (By ross lynch) it got millions of views. A few days later I got signed by Mercury records. Everyone is wondering who the hell is this singer.
Present time

I'm in the recording studio singing On my own(By Ross Lynch) As I'm singing I see..The vamps walk in. I knew we were on the same label but I never thought I would meet them!

They listen to me sing the rest.

I take my headphones off and walk out of the booth.

"Hi. I'm Abby." I say.

"Ahh so you're the mystery singer. I love your music." James says and the other boys nod and agree.

"Thanks I also love your music." I reply.

"So Abby do you want to record a song with us some time?" Brad asks.

"Of course!" I say.

"Great how about we start tomorrow!" Tristan says.

We all exchange numbers. I couldn't help but notice that Connor was being so quiet.

When I get home my phone rings and I see that Brad called me I answer. "Hey Abby!" It's on speaker btw.

"Hi What are you guys doing?"

"Nothing really. We are just really excited to record with you. Connor especially." Brad says.

"BRAD your not supposed to say anything." He tells then whispers.

Connor likes me... Good... I kinda like him to.

I laugh. "I'm really excited to record with you guys to."

"Connor Damn stop blushing!" James says laughing.

I start to blush too.

For the rest of the night we just talk ideas for the song.

On my own-Connor BallOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora