"Why can't I just come help you?" Stiles said parking the jeep into Scott's driveway turning to Hayden.

Hayden picked at a strand of her hair that wasn't in her ponytail. "Because we both know I can't fail this test and as much as I want your help," Hayden laughed looking at Stiles pouting face and lip. "I can manage without you babe."

Stiles sighed, "Okay, call me when your done. I just don't want anything bad to happen to you. If I'm not there with you I can't protect you."

Hayden nodded leaning over to Stiles cheek and giving him a quick peck making Stiles smile but quickly grabbing her face with his hands and making Hayden kiss him longer on the lips. Hayden let out a giggle stopping the kiss, "Okay, I'll call you when I'm done Stiles."

Stiles nodded watching Hayden go out of the jeep and her waving at him, going into the house closing the door behind her. Stiles couldn't help ignore the feeling something bad was going to happen soon. And he couldn't stop it.

Hayden walked into the empty dark house, her brain telling it was deja vu. She heard someone whisper quietly, "Get out of the house now."

She looked around and didn't see anyone, or Allison who it sounded like. "Allison? Are you there?" Hayden whispered taking a step forward but stopped making her blood run cold once she heard something she didn't want to hear.

"Nope not Allison sweetheart." The light turned on making Hayden flinch but stumbling back into the wall gasping. Kate Argent walked forward with two berserker behind her. Kate smiled and she looked down to see Hayden grabbing her phone from her back pocket. "I wouldn't do that If I were you."

Hayden breathed out a shaky breathe dropping her phone onto the kitchen tile. Kate stepped forward and starting laughing making Hayden head spin. "I didn't think Stilisnki would ever get a girlfriend, he cares so much about you."

"Once I heard that someone could see Alison I had to find out who it was." Kate spit out grabbing Hayden's hair gently but then pulling it making her let out a yelp of pain. "I want to talk to her."

Hayden closed her eyes and opened them back up to stare into Kate's green ones. "It's not that simple. I can't just make Allison come have a little chit chat about how my day was." Hayden spoke sarcastically, "She comes to me when she wants to or when to warn me about danger."

"Did she warn you about me? Huh have you heard about me, I'm your worst nightmare honey." Kate speaks glaring at Hayden pulling her hair more, "Let me talk to her now."

Hayden shook her head smirking even though she was frighten, "Your not my worst nightmare, your just a cold hearted bitch."

Kate stared at Hayden then breathed out angrily, "Looks like we have to do this the hard way." Before Hayden could even blink, Kate swung her hand it connected to Hayden's cheek making her go down onto the floor, her cheek stinging red. Hayden groaned laying down on the floor but Kate kicked her in the stomach making her cough. "I heard what happened how she died.She was a hero, no she wasn't. She sacrificed herself for a stupid banshee to save her life not her own. It's like I didn't teach her anything."

"The Argent family has been around for over 400 years. A powerful, wealthy, aristocratic family of werewolf hunters. But somehow in less than a year, this great family is decimated by a teenage boy. So my question is simple. What the hell in so special about Scott McCall?"

Hayden remained Silent making Kate angrier. "Answer me!" Kate screamed kicking her twice making Hayden cough up blood whimpering, "I don't know Kate!" Hayden yelled back wiping her mouth from the blood.

Kate sighed looking back at the berserker's and nodded. The two berserker's came forward and grabbed her and the other one kicked her in the face, knocking her out instantly. All of them walked out of Scott's house, Kate smirking with what she had planned.

Stiles looked at the clock tapping his foot impatiently. It's been two hours later and not one call from Hayden. Stiles felt something bad happened and he didn't like it one bit, But he still got ready for his lacrosse game tonight. He ran down his stairs, his lacrosse back swinging with him. The sheriff looked up and smiled but raised a eyebrow at Stiles rush.

"Stiles! I'm excited to see you play. Am I sitting by Hayden tonight?" The sheriff called out only getting a nod from Stiles and the door slamming shut and he could hear Stiles jeep staring.

"Hey Hayden, I haven't heard from you in awhile, I'm getting nervous. Just call me back babe i hope your okay."

a/n: not edited really sorry for mistakes.

ok one more chapter lol till a bunch of shit goes down, just wanted to get in a update before school. i just like writing stayden fluff tbh.

this honest sucked i am vv sorry and I've deiced to do s5a for hayden plus stayden! I'm super excited thinking about the scenes i'm going to do and cause all of your pain like jeff davis does. I hope you stick around for season5a stayden and i'm not sure if im going to do a separate book yet maybe.

thanks for reading! comment, vote and follow


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