Chapter One : Iris

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~Chapter One~
~POV Iris~

"WHAT THE HECK IZZY!" I yowled at her, "ITS ME! IRIS!"

She was pacing around me, her claws sinking into the soft ground. And she was muttering to herself, lost in thought, "That was my mouse, you idiot, I was going to have that FOR DINNER!"

Rolling my eyes, I lunged towards her, just as she leaped towards me. And after a brief struggle (mostly in her part) I ended up on top of her, pinning her down by the shoulders. I guess this must have forced her to look at up, because she suddenly seemed to recognize me,

"IRIS!" She squealed,

It really is amazing how fast this girl can change gears, I thought to myself,

"Oh! Well, fancy meeting you here!" She was giving me a mischievous grin, "wait! Ow, your going to pull off my shoulders at this rate..."

"Opps, sorry" I mumbled, getting off of her. I must had forgotten that I was still pining her. I sat on the ground near her, and started grooming,

"Whew! Thanks bunches!" She mewed happily,"and your missing some dirt by your ear, no, your other ear,silly!" but suddenly she scowled, "No, your distracting me, getting back on track here! Why were you hunting MY mouse?!"

I have to admit, I was slightly taken aback by her tone, but then again.... I guess I really had messed up her kill

"And what are you even doing here? I mean, aren't you still supposed to be doing border patrol?" She added, "Cuz I'm supposed to be the hunter here!" She paused, and looked at me sceptically, "You weren't trying to make it easier for me, were you?!? BecauSE I CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF THANKYOUVERYMUCH!" She turned away in a huff, and started towards camp.

Rolling my eyes, I set off after her, man, she is a handful!

We trotted along for a bit, matching each other's speed, before I decided to break the silence.

"You know, I wasn't trying to do any of what you said I was, I honestly thought that we could just use some more fresh kill" I paused, thinking if I should add this last part, "I mean, with all this crazy stuff happening with the council, and all."

She stopped dead in her tracks, and turned to face me, "Yeah, I guess I was sorta snappy with you, there is just so much crap going on right now" she sighed, " I just don't know what to make of it."

I gave her a small nudge in the shoulder, "don't beat yourself up about it, no as knows what to make of it, Look at the others! Everybody is just acting like everything's just fine and dandy!" When it's really not I added to myself.

"I'm sure there is a good reason for this, I just can't think of it right now," she mewed thoughtfully, "It will all work out on the end, I'm sure if it."

"I'm sure it will." I replied, then adding, "Want some help carrying back some fresh kill?"

"Totally! But, there really isn't all that much," she quickly added, looking away.

"Awe, don't be shy, your the best hunter in all of the land!" Then an idea struck me, "Race you to the tree!"

"Your On!"

We both took off running towards her first store place, and then the next, and finally, we stopped at the camp gate. We were both panting and extremely exhausted, but we were happy.

But as soon as we slipped into the empty lot, and went down into our tunnel, all that changed.

As we slipped into the cave, we were greeted my Izzy's frantic mother, she ran over, her long human legs moving quickly,

"Oh my gosh! Are you guys okay?" she picked us up and started stroking our fur and hugging us, " I was so worried! Why were you even out?" She said, frowning, but she smiled when she noticed we were carrying mice,"Oh! You guys caught all that? Go put it in the freezer and then I need to talk to Isabelle."

"I can take it," I mumbled around the tails, "Go talk to your mum."

"Thanks," she mewed, "I wonder what she wants..."

I watched her out of the corner of my eye, as she walked over, she morphed into her human form. I have to admit, the first time that I found I could change, I was disgusted with myself. It was just to creepy, I mean, you can hear the bones crunching and you insides squishing, as they move around and compact.

But now, I find it almost, beautiful. And people like her can change so smoothly, almost control what changes and when.

Me on the other hand, I end up falling over, a lot.

Sighing, I put down the mice and sit down. If I'm going to end up on the ground anyways, why not save the trouble of falling? I close my eyes, picturing my human form. I feel myself shoot upwards, my fur melting into my skin. I close my eyes as my eyesight shifts from the meticulous detail of a cats, the weak of a human.

Once I don't hear anymore bones crunching, I open my eyes and look down at myself. Making sure that Everything is where it's supposed to be.  It all is, so I stand up and brush off the dust from the ground, stooping once again to pick up the ten or so mice we had caught

I glanced in Izzy's direction. Wow, she looks pissed. Come to think about it, everybody does. Huh, nothing new there. I stroll over to the "kitchen". Wondering why I used little air quotes there? Because I live in a ficking cave, our kitchen consists of a waking freezer, a microwave, a sink, and a table. I washed the mice off, and plopped into the freezer marked "not cleaned"

"Iris! We need to talk, now" Izzy snapped at me, "What's got your tail in a twist?" I smirk at her as I walked by.

"Just, come with me." She sighed, turning and pulling along with her.

"Okay okay! What did you drag me all the way over here for?" I said,

"The Council took away our hunting rights in the forest, and everybody is acting like it's just fine an dandy!" She responded, throwing a glance around the cave, she continued in a lower voice, "It's really creepy, they're acting like it's always been this way.... Iris? Hey, Iris!" She snapped her fingers in front of my face.

I jumped, "Oh, just spaced out there for a sec," I shook my head to emphasize, " But that's really weird, I mean, we were right there!

"I know right! They sent us in to catch food this morning!" She agreed

I was thinking out loud, "But, if we were the only ones out this morning, then, you don't think something happened to the mine? Maybe somebody came in and did something, I mean, the entry isn't that well hidden."

"maybe we should try to get help..." Izzy added in a small voice, "Like, somebody important."

"Who do you mean?" I asked, "You don't mean, The Clave?! That is psycho!"

"No, Your psycho to think that this is only our problem! For something this big it HAS to be a high power warlock! We CAN'T fight that on our own." She threw the last part over her shoulder as she walked away.

"Fine," I walked after her, spinning her to face me, " When do we leave?"

She grinned, and threw a pack and my jacket  at me, "Suit up, Fotze"

The Downworlder's Army {{{ON HOLD}}}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora