Sick Days

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Steve was sick. Again. He was so weak and fragile already, anytime he got sick he could barely move. Whenever he got sick, someone had to watch him at all times. Usually, it was me.

It was just a cold. A common cold. Hell, I had gotten it. People were sick for a few days, then they were better. It already been two weeks. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. He's got such a poor immune system, really we're lucky he hasn't died yet.

But it always seems so bad. He was always cold, weak. Sometimes he couldn't even lift a spoon, forcing me to feed him. I never minded though.

He was currently sleeping, he slept a lot. He was always a light sleeper, but it magnified when he was sick. You often couldn't tell if he was awake or not. Even if he was awake, he would keep his eyes closed to try rest.

He's been so sick, you couldn't be surprised how often he had to rest. He's been so sick. He fainted. He actually fainted. That's how sick he was. The doctor said to let the illness run its course, but that had been two weeks ago. He said there was nothing he could do.

"Steve?" It was so quiet. It was late afternoon. The sun was streaming through the window, making him seem even paler. His breathing was steady.

"Steve, please, get better." I watched his chest rise and fall. Through the thin sheets you could see the outline of his frame, showing you how tiny and fragile he was.

"I know you're trying, and you don't want to be sick, but I need you to get better." I sniffed and dropped my head. Seeing how sickly he was hurt. I looked instead at the floorboards. You could see where the floor had scratches from me dragging this chair back and forth from the bed to the wall.

"You're all I want. You're all I have. Steve, don't leave me." I crossed my arms and rested them on the bed. I dropped my head on them, willing myself not to cry. Every time he got sick, I was always worried he wouldn't get better.

"Buck, you idiot." My head jerked up. Steve was watching me, his head resting against the pillows. His face was hollow, emphasizing his cheekbones.

"Stop crying, I'm not gonna die and leave you behind." I didn't realize I was crying until he pointed it out.

"I haven't gotten revenge for when you made me ride the cyclone at coney island." He smiled and stretched his hand out. Without thinking, I grabbed with my own and interlaced our fingers. He smiled again.

"I could never leave you Bucky. I love you too much." I sniffed again.

"I love you Steve." I squeezed his hand and released a breath I didn't know I was holding. I gave him a watery smile.

He smiled back. He closed his eyes again and his breathing evened out. His grip loosened on my hand. I continued to sit beside him, holding his hand. I love you Steve.

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