Chapter 32: Fights and Speeches

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"(y/n)?! (Y/n)?!" Called making me shake my head to clear my thoughts "Huh?" I asked looking at the person who spoke "Lost it thought again?" Mikasa asked you nodded "Don't worry I'm fine." You say with a smile, then noticed everyone was either walking away or was standing up "What's happening?" You asked "One of the three factions are doing  their ceremony right now." Eren chimed in you nodded and stood up carefully.

After everyone went to the stage that was now set up a male with blonde hair and bushy blonde eyebrows came out, he was also wearing a the wings of freedom on his jacked, everyone gave him a salute once the crowd was situated, "At ease!" the male yelled out which made everyone drop their hands to the side, I was quite excited for this moment, my parents told me that he was the worst speech giver.

The commander, Erwin Smith cleared his throat and began to talk.

"The path suitable for a large force, that took us four years to break, is now lost. Our objective is to fight titans to extension but get all the information we need at the same time, In the four years of all of this ninety percent of the Scouting Legion members died, ninety in just four years." Erwin began

"According to our most optimistic estimates, we'll have to sacrifice at least five times more soldiers and twenty more years, before it will be possible to dispatch force, and even these figures aren't quite realistic." he continued with his speech and my parents were right he does make a terrible speech.

"Those of you who are still willing to put your life on the line, despite learning about dreadful state of affairs, stay here. Listen to your heart very closely and ask yourselves if you really have got what it takes to sacrifice your life for mankind. So let me reiterate this again, most of those who will decide to stay here and enter the Scouting Legion will probably be dead soon." Erwin said concluding the speech.

With that everyone had started to leave and that's when I noticed the rest of the gang who said they were going to go to a different faction was here I was shocked but the looks they were giving seemed as if they wanted to leave like everyone else, but they stayed, there was only about thirteen people who stayed a few who were strangers to me fourteen including me.

I heard a scream from what seemed to be Jean but I kept my gaze to the front "So will you, be able to go die if you were told to?" Commander Erwin asked hands behind his back, "We do not want to sir!" A male shouted "I see. . . Everybody here you all looked determined enough." Erwin said before he placed his left hand over his heart and his right on his lower back to do the proper and excellent salute.

"Dedicate your lives to the cause! I salute your bravery! Alright! I welcome everybody to the Scouting Legion!" Erwin announced making everyone do the same salute back to him "YES SIR!" everyone shouted in unison before he said at ease.

(I know the ceremony was to be after the wall break in for the second time xD BUT I AM DOING STUFF TO MAKE IT INTERESTING HAVE TRUSTTT IN MEEEEE)

~ Time skip next day ~

We had a few more days till we had to pack up our bags and go into our designated factions so they put us to use and get a feel to be on top of the walls, but we were to clean the cannons unfortunately, "Why must we clean the cannons?" I asked as I just got finished cleaning the cannon I was assigned to work at "I don't know, probably to get out for a while. . ." Connie suggested making me shrug my shoulders.

"H-hey guys!" Sasha said making the face she always does when shes around or eating food, "S-Sasha?" I asked she had a hand in her trainees' jacket, meaning she was hiding something, which to my guess was correct "I got some meat from the storage locker~!" she said happily, making me sigh "You better put it back! Your going to get in trouble!" Eren scolded her, making an outburst to which you went away from, you sat down looking out on the beautiful stretch of green grass, it was quite beautiful even though there are some titans roaming about.

Suddenly I hear a clap of thunder and smoke came out of no where "EH!" I yelled as the wind picked us up and sit us off the walls it was very hot as well, the temperature to make your skin boil.

"(Y/n)!" Eren called after falling for a little bit I got my 3dmg handles and shot my wires up onto the wall I was still pretty high up luckily "Fuck. . ." I mumbled the pain in my collar bone hurt so much still.

But without a second to care, or spare for that matter I raced up the wall to kill that giant man eating beast, know as the colossal titan in this case.

As I got on the wall I noticed a certain brunette up there as well he looked at me and I looked right back at him, and as if we were talking with our minds we nodded and ran up to the titan, we both went up his arms, to our dismay he let out his burning steam making us get off him only for us to hook our wires into his back.

When we readied our blades to strike, we only sliced at air, considering the fact the titan, just vanished into thin air, literally!

So with that happening Eren and I were both falling till we set our wires into the  wall and climbed back up, that was until we saw the looks on our friend faces, fear.

Eren and I rushed to the other side of the giant wall and looked down we noticed a hole in the wall and titan filling in. "Shit!" Eren yelled "We are to report back to HQ!" Sasha announced making everyone nod and fly their ways to HQ

' I just hope that Levi, Petra, and Hanji are alive and safe somewhere. . . ' I thought as we landed on the grey stone beneath us, one of our superiors told us what to do, although my rank I was to go with the others and fight in the front lines with those damned beasts "But I need to stay with (y/n)!" mikasa retorted "Those are orders cadet Ackerman now come on!" The superior yelled I gave Mikasa a reassuring smile she came over and hugged Armin, Eren and I.

"If one of you three need me just yell my name." Mikasa said looking at the three of us which made us all nod and we left to go to the front lines "This is going to be a living hell fighting them, with their numbers and all!" I murmured which to my dismay Armin and Eren heard "But they will die! We will make sure of it." Eren said determined and confined the blond male just had an expression of worry.

"Now lets show those damn monsters who their messing with!" I said with a mischievous smile with determination in my (e/c) eyes as well did the males turquoise eyes.

Titan Fighter | Eren x Reader [OLD VERSION]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin