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POV Jessica Frost

When I opened my eyes it was still dark. The stars were shining and was really beautiful but I couldn't concentrate on that, not after the nightmare I just had. I dreamt of brothers hanging again. As I had every night since it happened. I got up so I could watch the sun rise, normally I would just leave but that might seem strange to the two sleeping men who were on the other side of the clearing. I giggled to myself as I remembered the look on peters face yesterday when I pulled out my knife . I looked over to his sleeping form, he was well built, and very attractive, I mentally slapped myself, I can't think like that!! Anyone I associate with gets hurt. I turned to look at him again but he was gone. That's odd I didn't her him get up. I turned back around to watch the sunrise it really was a spectacular sight. "It's beautiful isn't it?" Peters deep voice snapped me out of my trance. "Uh yeah, yeah it is" I stammered I mentally slapped myself again, get a grip!! He plonked himself down beside me. He was so close I could feel his warmth, he was really warm, I wanted to hug him. I shocked myself with that thought ad choked on my water that I was drinking spitting it everywhere in a very unattractive way "you okay there?" He asked looking at me with is amazing green eyes..... No stop thinking like that, "uh yep just wet down the wrong way" his booming laugh filled the clearing and I couldn't help but join in. His laugh woke up jack and I knew then it was time to get ready to leave. I got up from where I was sitting and went over to my stuff. As I was doing this it felt like something wasn't right, like someone was watching me, I went over to my sword and I looked up just in time to see an arrow come flying towards me and go through my stomach. I looked down in shock and then pulled a knife from my boot and threw it at my attacker but it got close then bounced off an invisible shield. Mages, great, just great, the man and woman dressed in black stepped out o the bushes, and I looked down. My shirt was soaked in blood, I snapped off one side of the arrow and pulled it through, then I dropped on my knees. Then Peter was in front of me, looking at me with his big green eyes, he turned to the couple in black and yelled "what did you do that for!!" The man replied " do you even know who she is!! She could have killed you!!" Peter turned to me again and pulled my hands away from my stomach and looked in awe as it started to heal by itself, the skin growing back completely without leaving a scar. He then pulled me into a tight embrace, this shocked me but it felt right, wait what?? I have to stop thinking that!! Then he pulled away and looked into my eyes and whispered "how?"

(Okay so I know its been a while but I've been busy!! Tell me what you think and how did Jess heal!!! Da da daaaaaaa!!! Haha well vote and comment hopefully will upload quicker this time!! Send me any ideas you have!! Excited for any feedback!!)

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