Chapter 42 - Simplement en Regardant

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"Cute," She says. I watch her walk over to her suit case and pull out a cream colored dress that was also loosely fit that had small brown buttons lining the front and a small gap where the waist was but it was meshed so it looked really cute. She then pulled out a black sweater with large flowers on it. She held them up to me and I nodded.

"That works, we also look like we will be kind of matching," I tell her. She laughs and nods her head. I let my towel fall to the floor of my closet and I pull the dress over my head and it hangs loosely like it should. Then I put on my sweater. Lily took off her pajamas and put on her dress with her sweater. I picked up my towel and hung it up in my bathroom. I then walked over and grabbed a pair of light cream socks to match my sweater. They came up a bit higher than my shin. I slipped on these khaki colored high top boots. They had a few buckles on the front. I also decided to put in earrings. I didn't put my normal pearls in. I grabbed a pair of gold shaped crescent moon earrings. I saw Lily had just slid on a pair of flip flops and they complemented her outfit nicely.

"Can I do your hair?" Lily asks me.

"Sure why not," I shrug. "What are you going to do?" I ask curiously.

"You'll see," She says with a smile as she sits me in front of the bathroom mirror and starts brushing my tangled hair.

"I'm nervous," I state. She chuckles. She grabs the blow dryer and starts to dry my hair with it. I sat patiently as she moved my hair in different directions, this piece going under and that one going over etc.

After what seemed like an eternity she finished.

"DONE!" She shouts with excitement. I had been watching her through the mirror but I couldn't see the back of my head. From what I could see she had pulled my hair back and into an up do. That was all I could see.

"I can't see the back," I tell her.

"Oh right," She says and pulls out her phone to take a picture. She shows it to me and my eyes widen. It was beautiful. My hair was in like a large bun and there was a braid that went around the back of my head above my hair.

"It's beautiful!" I say to her.

"Thank you," She says accepting my compliment. "Now I need to do my hair," She says as she sits down and starts brushing her hair. I watched as she started French braiding her hair from the top. Once she reached the back of her head she pulled the rest into a bun and clipped it there. It looked formal yet casual at the same time.

"You could be a hairstylist," I tell her.

"I will definitely take up that job when you are on tour," She says to me. I smile. I walk over to my desk where I had left my phone. I had thankfully left it plugged in. I checked the time and saw that it was 10:48. We had some time.

"Well let's go get some breakfast and see what the guys are up to. Or if they are up," I state and turn to the door.

"They're all up. It was just you and Matt who weren't awake," She says to me. I blushed at her comment and tried to calm down my red cheeks.

"Oh," I say trying to calm down. If Lily noticed she didn't say anything about it. We walked out of my room and I closed the door and we made our way down the stairs and into the kitchen for a small breakfast. I was excited to see my grandparents. I had forgotten all about Lily's comment by the time we were downstairs. I skipped joyfully into the kitchen to see all the guys at the curved bar all dressed and ready. They all looked nice. They weren't wearing tuxes or suits but they had either khakis or colored pants (not denim/sweatpants) and a button down shirt or a nice t-shirt.

"Aww, you guys look so cute," I say in excitement as I take in their appearance. They all laugh at my actions, which were in fact laughable. I just roll my eyes and ignore it. "Did you call grammie and gramps?" I ask Cameron as I pull Lily over to the fridge with me.

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