Chapter 48. Clash

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"I can't love anyone else mother. There's only Cybele in my mind. She occupies my thoughts all the time that when I'm not with her, every bone in my body screams for her that it hurts. How do you expect me to be with someone else?" Talia removed her finger from the trigger. "Give it up mother. There's no use fighting."

Esmeralda handed the sword to the guard on her right. She looked strangely calm. Years of practice have made her into a cold-blooded creature. Did she have the same expression on her face when she learned that my father, the one she loved the most, was killed by Ronaldo? It scared me that she would kill without remorse.

"What are you planning to do child? Hundreds of guards will protect me. Even if you manage to escape, more will come and hunt you down. As long as you're with Cybele, you will never be free."

"Who says anything about escaping?" I asked as I pulled Brooke up. Van moved in front of her as some sort of protection. "We're not running away anymore. We're starting a revolt." I tilted my head to my friends. "There's no trial for monarchy, but we can overthrow it."

"You and what army?"

Van laughed. "Oh, this one is good."

"Shush," Brooke reprimanded. "This is no time to joke around."

"I have this sickness called I can't shut up syndrome." Van addressed the Queen. "You. You're going to lose at this game. I'll make sure of it. If you're going to play soccer, you're going to suck at it. There's no game of thrones because I'll move the chair away." She pointed to me. "And Cybele? You can't kill her off. She has a fandom. You don't."

"We've got company," Lance warned before the weird conversation could progress. From the door came more guards, each of them armed to the teeth, not only with swords but with rifle too. From their steely gazes and the way they advanced to my friends, it was clear that they knew who the enemy was. They were there to protect their Queen, albeit a false one.

The guards surrounding Esmeralda closed the gap around her. As one, they drew their swords, ready to fight to the death as per their sworn duty. It was sad to see them on the other team. They should have defended my deceased parents like they were doing now. But none of that mattered today. I would reclaim their loyalty someday, or die trying.

"Join me Talia," Esmeralda urged again.

The Princess shook her head sadly. "We're way past the point of no return. As we speak, people you have wronged before are entering the palace, fighting the guards. They want to see your rule crumble. They're rooting for Cybele."

"Is that your final decision?" Talia met her mother's eyes as she nodded with determination. "Then I will mourn a dead child before this day is over," Esmeralda said. She turned to her personal guards. "Let's go. The warzone is no place for a Queen."

"We're not done with this," I said. Sensing my need, Alex tossed a gun to me, which I pointed to Esmeralda. She was well-covered by the guards. There was no opportunity for a clear shot. And if I did pull the trigger at this exact second, the bloodbath would begin. Despite my desire to kill her now, I had to wait.

Esmeralda didn't acknowledge my question. She and her personal guards started to walk to the opposite direction. It was a dead end. Where was she going? When they neared the wall, a guard pushed a tile. To my amazement, it parted slowly, dust occupying half of the room. She had a secret passageway installed.

"Kill them all," was her last word before she went through.

As much as I wanted to follow her, the Princess and my friend's safety should come first. Somehow, I would find a way to capture Esmeralda later. The rules of the war was more complicated than it seemed. You could not simply attack without expecting a retaliation.

Kidnapping The Princess  (Editing For Publication) (lesbian, girlxgirl)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon