7:Hush tears

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Chapter 7: Hush tears


Nastasia curled herself in the corner of her room which she shared with her fiancé Jerome Taylor, she watches as he wiped the blood of his brown timberland boots, she was battered and bruised and had tears streaming down her face. This wasn't the man she fell in love with. She was seventeen when she met him at a party her friends invited her to. He was the type of guy her mother warned her to stay away from her. He was tall dark in completion, piercing eyes the colour almost black, huge muscles and tons of tattoos covering his arms but Stasi never listen she always learns the hard way.

Her mother kicked her out after finding out she was pregnant, Jerome took her in. Nine months later she gave birth to Nadine Amiyah Taylor, Jerome never came to the birth of his first born, Stasi knew he was distancing himself from her. When Nadine was three months old; he came home smelling like weed and alcohol and cheap female perfume but she never thought he was cheating since she was about to be his wife and every female knew it by the big rock she wore.

Jerome looks at his soon to be wife bleeding in the corner of the room, who she thinks she talking to. I work hard to provide for their greedy ass and she want to assume shit. He thought as he walked out leaving Stasi to clean up herself. She remembers the very first time he had hit her, she had gotten the guts to confront him about the cheating, and he lied to her and beat her until she was rushed to the emergency room for a broken collarbone and five cracked ribs. He would disappear for weeks and come back with flowers and chocolates for forgiveness and everything is perfect for a while.

After Jermya was born he took a different approach to letting her self-esteem down. He called her every name he could think off; she believes every single bullshit he spat from his mouth. Few months later Nickel came along and Jarmol who is six months now. She worked at diner not too far from their apartment; since Jerome fears that one day she will have the nerve to leave him but he knew she loved him and wouldn't dare but some apart of him knew that one day his fiancé Nastasia Adams was going to leave him.

Her friend Rolda a short light skinned girl that also works at the diner always ask her what did she really see in him, was she going to leave him in a body bag, picking up herself from the floor she got in the shower, she stood there praying to God; asking him to rescue her, something she have been doing a lot lately. She even had a bible which read when Jerome wasn't around. Even read to kids, she could recall a day when she busy reading the bible when a particular verse had her thinking. Psalm 27, verse 1: The Lord is my light and salvation who shall I fear? The Lord is my strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

She sat there thinking about the verse that she almost forgets to make diner, while cooking she read the bible to her kids, that very evening when the whole family was sited at the table Nadine bowed her head and recite John3:16 Jerome looked up from his plate and glared at Stasi who refuse to meet his angry scowl; he got up from his sit and picked up Nadine brought her to her room and beat her. Stasi heard her baby's screamed and couldn't even do anything for her than cry. She feared for her own life.

She wiped her eyes when she heard Rome coming back down the stairs, he sat back down and continued eating his dinner like he just hadn't disciplined his for reciting a bible verse. After dinner when everybody retired to their rooms Stasi busied herself in the kitchen washing dishes; she was preoccupying herself with work because she knew what was coming the moment she was alone in the bedroom she shares with Rome. Counting backwards and taking deep breaths she walks up the flight of stairs to her where she hears running water she sighs in relief as she sits on the edge of the bed thinking what was she going to say when he gets out the shower; she hears the door to their opening thinking it was one of the kids but she was met with an angry looking Rome who had struck her with his brass knuckles.

She prayed many nights for God to work some kind of miracle freeing her from this hell she was imprison in but nothing came, she lives a nightmare and fears the man she once loves. Covering her bruises with makeup Stasi got dressed in her work attire which consisted of black pencil skirt and white t- shirt with the diner logo on it, grabbing her hand bag she walks out the door. Nadine was at school, while the other kids was at the day-care centre as she walks down the street passing crack heads, angry drivers yelling at each other her mind couldn't but wonder to the night Jerome called her a worthless bitch, all you good for is to spread your legs and nothing more.

Tears streamed down her face as she remembers every word, the angry scowl on his face when he said it and every kick she receives with each other as it engraves in her mind. Making it to work with two minutes to spare, she was greeted by her boss Mona a dark skinned bald lady in her fifties who treated her as her child, she loved her. "Child, why are you wearing so much make up" Mona looked at Stasi and knew she got the wrong end of Jerome's hand again.

Rolda ran out hearing Mona speaking to Stasi, she was on the verge of tears when she saw the look in her friend's eye, engulfing her in a hug Stasi let everything go right on her friend's shoulder. "Bring her to the back, fix her up we got a job to do" Mona said, Rolda nodded as she took Stasi to the back. Twenty minutes later she was on her feet waiting tables, she was about to go to the back when another waitress taps her on the shoulder "your brother is here", Stasi scanned the small diner. Her brother sat in one of the corner booths with his friends Andre Adams looked at his sister and gave her a wink.

How was she going to tell him without him not trying to kill Rome? She walks over to them, every step she made her want to take two step back but she continued, time and time again he told her she needed to leave and he was going to help her find a place but she stayed for the kids. Putting on a smile she said "Mona's diner, what can I do for you gentlemen". Dre looks at his sister, something about the way she stood their unable to make eye contact with him made him wonder what she was hiding ; he stood up and walks towards her "look at me, did he put his hands on you again".

Stasi didn't say anything her tears said it all, Dre grew angry "am going to kill him"

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