Chapter One

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That was the color of his shirt this morning.

I shook my head in disgust as he walked.

I'm sure he knew this was wrong. Apparently, he was special, so he didnt have to follow rules.

Don't you just love my sarcasm??

I scoffed and rolled my eyes when I walked past him on the opposite side of the street.

His green orbs looked at me, and I turned away, hurrying down the sidewalk.

I slowed my pace when I reached the library, pushing the wooden door open.

"Mrs. Lugano" I smiled as I walked up to an older woman behind the desk.

"Welcome back, Katie." her plump lips smiled. "Are you ready to start working?"

I nodded, a blush creeping up my cheeks when a boy walked past me, looking me up and down while smirking.

"Alright. These books belong in the fiction, while these belong in the non fiction" Mrs. Lugano said while placing two stacks of books on a black wheelie cart.

"Sure." I smiles, pushing the cart to my first stop, the fiction area.

As I placed the books in their correct place, there was a tug on my shirt.

I looked down to see a little boy. "Yes, little man?" I smiled.

"May I have a book on dihosaurse?" He asked. "Sure" I laughed a little at his cute mistake.

I slid my finger, and tugged out a book on dinosaurs. I handed the boy the book.

"Have a nice day!" I called out as he walked away. I wheeled over to the nonfiction, alone in the aisle with a boy who looked around my age, but three inches taller than me.

He flashed me a smile, his eyes traveling down to the opening of my v-neck.

I rolled my eyes, and continued placing books.

On my way of doing my duties, I picked up two books, one a romantic novel, and the other a quick chapter book.

I sat them on the front desk where they wouldn't be touched.

I was handed another stack of books, this was for the children's section.

I headed over, stopping when a tall figure, a male with curly brown hair and green eyes, walked in.

My mouth dropped when I saw it was the jaywalker. What I didn't see was the books that was spread across my feet.

I scrambled to get the books in a straight enough stack as I picked them up, but failed.

Before I knew it, he was by my side, helping, the hoodie he always wore on the table behind us.

"Here you go" his voice was a little raspy. Not the sickly raspy, but a sexy type.

"Thanks" I said in almost a whisper.

After a moment if awkward silence, I finally spoke up

"You know what your doing is wrong right?"

"What?" He raises an eyebrow.

"You know. Walking up and down the street an stuff. It's called jaywalking." I huffed.

"Oh that. Well, ever since my mother died, I always walked up and down that street in the day, because a car has hit her while she walked the same streets" he mumbled.

I froze in place. I could feel my eyebrows come closer up into a sorrow look.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know.."

"It's ok.." He interrupted, his voice full of irritation, and walked away to one of the aisles.

I looked down, walking to the children section. I placed each book carefully by subject,author, genre, and color.

After a quick glance of the library, I realized the jaywalker was gone, but his jacket was still there.

I sighed, and grabbed the jacket, throwing it over my shoulder, and walking out the wooden doors.

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