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Here's some new ideas :

11. Write a story ending with someone saying the line "I think I love you." or "I think i like you."  Let's see how many different stories that can be made using one line. I wrote one too you can find it on my profile. Let me know if you are using this topic and i'll definitely read it.

12. You have a strange mark/ tattoo on your wrist. You mom says that you were born with it and was to blame for drinking while being pregnant. You never believe this but you just leave it. Then one day you see someone with the same mark as you on their neck. you want to find out what this mark means. 

you ask your parents but they stick with their original story. after a while someone helped you figured out what the mark means. What the mark means is your decision. (E.G. you use to be part of some sort of secret product testing team. And you were the test subject. When the company went bankrupt the CEO order that all test subjects were to be killed, in fear of people finding out. Somehow you survived.) 

13. Your parents are always looking after your baby brother/sister, and hardly ever spend time with you.  so when a weird old man comes and says that he will grant you one wish, you wish to me small again. the next morning you wake up to find that your wish came true. Too true, you really brcame small again. Literally. so now that you are only about 4 inches tall. you go on an amazing expedition and realize that you were perfectly happy the way you were before.

14. You were perfectly happy with your peaceful yet somehow boring life. But that all changed when you accidentally saved a ghost from being thrown into a shrine. ( or something similar that can somehow kill the ghost if that's possible.) And now the ghost is in your debt and is obliged to serve you until it has managed to repay you. You refused to let it serve you and leave thinking that you must be hallucinating from the lack of sleep. But the ghost shows up once again the next day at your school with a threat. It threatens that if you must let it serve you or else... What will you do?

15. You had a strange dream one night about a mysterious old lady saying that she will grant you one wish. You wished that you will be able to control the future. You wake up the next morning and test out the wish. "I will have scramble eggs for breakfast today." but to your disappointment It didn't come true. You laugh at yourself for being an idiot and actually trying it. But when you handed in your English paper to your teacher, everything came true the next day.  You discovered that whatever you write will come true in 24 hours.  What will you write? For justice or murder?

16.Stars shine for a very very long time, or so I've been told. But whenever I look at the sky, it's always a sea of darkness. It doesn't matter where I am, it's always the same. When will i be able to see the stars? When will i be able to see you?

Jessie is blind. Jessie made a promise with someone many years ago that when he/she is able to see the stars, then he/she will meet _____ (name of the 'someone') Many years have passed but Jessie still can't see the stars and he/she falls into depression. Along the way, Jessie meets a young boy/girl. Although Jessie doesn't know how they he/she looks like, they soon became great friend. And Jessie's new friend taught him/her that even with disabilities, you can still shine brigther than any star in the sky because you are a one if a kind original that can't be replace.

17. Life is easy but lonely. (_______--->name of your choice.) is a rich heiress/heir of a famous musician/artist/politician etc. but she/he is also a orphan. Her/His parents died many years ago because of a tragic accident, and ________ is left with her/his parents huge fortune. 

Life is easy for this young heiress/heir but also very lonely. Without any parental love, ________ grew up alone (with maids and butler but no family.) and become extremely cold to the world. Even though she/he is very lonely and carries a big trauma she/he hides it on the world. Until a friend came along and she/he realizes how much he/she craves for love and affection from those around him/her. How will ________'s new found friend change him/her into the girl/boy she/he once was before the accident.

18. je t'aime, is French for  I love you. 

(I am going to make it a girl because it's easier when describing instead of always going him/her. but it's your preference when you are writing.)

A young girl enters a contest online for a trip to Paris for a month  and wins.  The next day she sets off for an romantic adventure that turns her life upside down. The prize for the contest was you get a free trip to Paris for a month (plus $5000 cash reward) and a tour guide that will accompany you around Paris and help you translate. 

The young girl arrives at Paris and discovered that the tour guide leading her around is a really pretty guy.  And they start off on their adventure the following day. The more they get to know each other, the young girl soon discovers that she's in love with him. On the last day, she finally musters up her courage and confesses her love, luckily the guy feels the same way. But the young girl sees him with another girl and leaves without resolving the problem, or making up with each other after their fight.

The young girl returns back home and meets the girl with the tour guide. The girl explains that she was really the tour guides cousin and the young girl rushed back to Paris to tell the tour guide her true feelings...

19.  Jeffrey loves Tic Tac's. Whenever he finishes a pack of Tic Tac's he'll trap all his friends, family and crushes inside his Tic Tac box like in the commerical. But he soon realizes that whenever he traps someone part of their souls get trapped in the pack, too.

You can go just about anywhere from there. Horror, Humor, Adventure, or even Fantasy. Just let your imagination flow free! :D

And finally...

20. Alex finds a phone after school one day, and thought it was her lucky day. But the phone brings nothing but misfortune to her. It seems that the phone is from the police with top secret information that can destroy the world if it lands in the wrong hands...


*A/N: K, marshmallow fans and awesome Wattpadders I know that #11-20 took a long time, but at last it's finish! :D and as you all know, good story ideas don't always come. And remember to check regularly on the new chapters, because i usually update the chapters every once in a while. 

And remember to....

VOTE!!! :D 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2011 ⏰

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