Chapter One

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Wags POV
I just arrived at the gates of hell aka my boarding school. I hate my boarding school. I was constantly teased because when I was younger I always said I can do magic. Also one day freshman year I told a bully I would kick their ass if they didn't stop. The beat me up and then called me rude names. Of course I had to help. They stopped bullying the kid they were bullying before, and they started bullying me. Fortunately for me these kids are not bright so if I put on a wizard like robe and wear it to school they wouldn't know it was me. I have tried this and it actually works! I thought for sure they may catch on because I'm sitting in my seat or saying here when teachers call attendance. However there way to stupid to understand anything. They get distracted by the stupidest things and take interest in the grossest things.
School has been rough for me but it could be a lot worse. (I probably just jinxed my self). It would be just my luck that something worse would happen.
I made my way to science class then took out my pens and pencils and got ready to here boring introductions to class. I have always admired science, and it has been something that I have excelled in as a result I am way ahead of my grade level and am taking the highest math a senior can take but I still know all the awnser and can spend all of class sleeping and get the homework correct.
We had a few minutes before the bell, so I went to check my phone. I found that I had a message from a "private number" the message said "roses are red, violates are blue, sugar is sweet, and so are you." Did I have a secret admirer?
I spent all science thinking about the msg ignoring the introduction except for I heard our teacher say, "if you are new to the school please stand up." Only one guy stood up, but let me say, he was cute. He had black hair, red sunglasses, nice clothing and can I mention the 3DS sticking out of is pocket. He was perfect.
Oh did I mention I'm bi? Well I am and that secret is only known by three others,Sonja, Tucker, and Tom. They are my best friends. Me and Tom are both bi and we tried dating but it didn't work out. He likes to run around a lot with different people. Before you get the wrong idea he didn't cheat but he's was to impatient and wanted to date someone else. Here's the thing, Tom doesn't date really he kinda just does what he wants. The school is aware of his sexuality and no one cares. My friends respect I don't want to tell the school because I'm already the center of attention, but they still bug me about it, saying I should be more open. (I'm sure I won't be bullied for that).
Sonja always tries to set me up with other guys. Once we were at a drive through and she asked one the employees if I was cute. Needless to say I was embarrassed.
However Tucker gets her back. Tucker is the prankster of the group. He pulls pranks on everyone especially sonja. Since they're dating, they have tons of time together which Tucker spends pulling pranks on her and filming them for youtube.
My mind traveled back to the message. Did I have a secret admire, or was it Tucker pulling a prank. Maybe it was Toms way of saying let's get back together, it could also be a random guy sonja gave my number to. I just hope it's not a bully who found my number I already have get harassed by them during class I don't need to be harassed in my dorm to.
Since our school is a boarding school we get dorms and one roomate. I got to school late so I didn't have time to talk to my friends and I couldn't talk to them during class so I would have to wait till lunch.
I walked into the cafeteria and sat down at a table. My Tonja, and Tom soon sat down next to me with their lunches.
An assortment of hellos, heys, and how've you beens along with a joke or to were tossed around.

"So who are your rommates" I asked.

"I have Steve this year. Same guy I had freshman year, and he always throughs the best parties." said Tom.

"uh I have andor" Tucker said checking his room assignment paper.

"Have fun with him and his study parties." Tom remarked.

"I have Martha again" said sonja.

"oh yeah, I still haven't hooked up with her" said Tom.

"Tom!" sonja hit his arm.

"What!? I'm just being honest."

"Who's your roomate wag?"

"I don't know, let me check." I said then I dug in my bag for my paper when I finally found it (after long tireless searching) I read the name and I felt my face heat up.

"What's that for?"sonja asked

" What's what for? "I said and my face got redder.

" That blush! "
(Me lying horribly )
" Oh um I didn't realize I was blushing. "I replied.

" who's it for? "
" No one. "(lies)

(lieing of my ass right now)
" I just saw something cute. "

" sure...WAIT! You blushed after you looked at the paper, IT'S YOUR ROOMATE! WHO'S YOUR ROOMATE? "

" Oh ummm. "

" James" she said in a serious tone using my real name (usually everyone uses my nickname.).she glared at me asking for the paper. After refusing she tried to take it from me and so she ripped it from my hand by climbing over the table.

"Jordan?" She read. "who's that?"

"Isn't that the new kid?" said Tom with his mouth full.

"Yes, he's in my science class and he's kinda cute." I said in a small voice.

"ooh someone's got a crush." said Tucker.

"No! I just saw him and thought he was cute nothing more."

"okay" said Tucker unconvinced.

The lunch bell ring and we all headed to our next class.

I had completely forgot to ask them about the text. I guess I'll have to ask them later. However I can't stand to wait to ask, what if it is someone who actually likes me. I took out my phone in the middle of Ela and asked "who is this?" (big mistake). My ringer was on so when I got a reply the teacher took my phone right before I could open the message. I would have to wait even longer to find out who it was.

HI so in case you haven't noticed the parentheses is still who ever is narrating. I will only write like this If I do put any input into the story this was inspired by many things especially BuggieBugz who like me loves sparklington. I am excited to make a book that is not set in the realm of mianite because this is my first one and this is my otp. I might be updating the story more than my others. Sorry

Sparklington: Mix Feelings, and Mixed Messages ( A Sparklington Fic)Where stories live. Discover now