Zula and Scar

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Scars P.O.V

Zula...Zula...Zula. I cant think about anything else but her beautiful features snd her soft silky voice. She is my muse,I want her. She will me mine. And no little runt will ruin my chances. She is so different to the rest of the other Lions. Why was she so beautiful?

Simba's P.O.V

I walked through the bush as Zula walked closely behind me. "Are you following me?" I said. She gave off a warm blush before,"O-oh, I thought..." she trailed off.
I chuckled,"Just joking Zula."
"Whew, that would be awkward otherwise!" She gave the lightest nervous giggle ever. Wow,what a laugh. She has got some personality.
"Well here we are. This is The watering hole. Zula..." I searched,but I just couldnt find her until...
Zula pushed Simba face first into the water. She chuckled. "Ha, the oh-so-great Simba couldnt tell I was there.hehe."
"You better run!"
"You cant and NEVER will catch me!" She ran off towards pride rock, she was so fast,even faster than Simba.
"I take that as a challenge."

They ran right through the Savannah, all the way to pride rock. Gaining the attention of the other lions. No Zula. I must have ran faster than her. Then Zula jumped silently behind Simba and spoke,"Took you long enough!" Simba wasnt expecting the surprise and jumped ten feet into the air. The whole pride burst out laughing.(including Scar). Mufasa and Scar laughed probably ten minutes longer than the rest.
Simba nudged her shoulder.
"I guess I won then,eh?"
"In your dreams Zula!"
"I didnt need them,I won and you lost admit it."
"Fine." Simba pouted. Timone and Pumbaa came over to Zula,"I-I promise m-my self I wouldnt cry."
"Dont worry Uncle Timone, I'll visit often." Pumbaa wailed as Zula came and 'hugged'Pumbaa and Timone. "We'll have to be g-g-going now."Timone said.
Tears were streaming down their faces as they said it.

Time skip to after hunting

Zula walked into the cave and was about to take her cat nap when a loud voice came from beside her,"So your the lioness everyones been talking about..."he said. It was a dark brownish lion "Oh yeah?" Zula continued "Hopefully good things,eh?".Scar stood with a smirk on his face,"Well,when your a white lioness,the fastest runner in all of Africa and a cheeky toned voice too it would be hard wouldnt it?"

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