Chapter 11

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"Where's your sister?" Stefan Salvatore asked me as he rudely barged into my house.

"With your brother and Elena." I smirked even though I knew he wasn't talking about Rebekah.

"Where is Demi?!" He asked me angrily.

I didn't like the fact that Stefan Salvatore was talking to me like this and I didn't like the business he had with my sister.

"I'm not sure why don't you try one of her brothers graves, you are responsible for most of there deaths." I glared at him.

"If you see her tell her I really need to speak to her." He told me before barging out of my house.

I straightened up then walked towards the master bedroom. I knocked on the door then walked into my room. I saw my twin sister sitting on the bed, legs crossed, cuddling into a pillow looking like a little girl whose dog just died. I must admit I hated seeing my sister so upset, I felt her pain and Stefan Salvatore was the reason for her pain. If it wasn't for my sisters protest I would have had Stefan Salvatore on a platter.

"I got rid of him, I doubt he'll be back." I assured her, sitting down beside her.

"I'm such a fool, I always come second." She sighed.

"That's not true." I told her.

"Yes it is, I've always came second to you, I come second to Rebekah with you, I came second to Katerina with you and Elijah and now I'm coming second to Elena with Stefan." She stuttered

I thought about that. She was right. I know it's an awful thing to say but it was true, she did always come second and she shouldn't. There was only one way to stop her coming second, by putting her first.

"Demetria, do you want to know what I see when I see you?" I asked her and she looked at me. "I see a beautiful, inspirational, strong, amazing, perfect girl. Dem, you know I'm not good at these things but let me tell you something, if Stefan Salvatore doesn't appreciate you or if anyone doesn't then they don't deserve you. Stefan's at a dead end with Elena, he'll figure that out and when he comes crying to you, you'll break his heart."

"Niklaus?" She asked me

"Yes?" I asked her

"I miss Kol." She burst into tears. "I miss Finn, I miss Alexander and Kurtis-Lee and Noah."

I sat there awkwardly as my sister cried. I didn't know what to do, I never do this stuff but this is Demetria, the single most important person in my life. I should hug her, who cares if it will ruin my image, she needs a hug. She missed her brothers, I missed then too but I would never be open to that kind of emotion that's what made me and Demetria different...

I couldn't resist it any longer and I slowly and cautiously put my arm around her. As soon as my arm touched her she threw herself into me and hugged me. I felt more at ease and I wrapped my arms around her and let her cry. For once, I felt like a good brother.

"Korbin and Nathaniel." I stated and she looked up at me. "I know where to find them."



"I'll be right there Rebekah, I'm outside the diner now." I told Rebekah down the phone.

If it wasn't for a suspicious phone call from Rebekah I would still be with Niklaus who took the role of comforting me. Niklaus promised he would find Korbin and Nathaniel, he said he knew where they were and now all I had to do was wait. Rebekah however had dragged me out to a small town but all for good reason, she said she found Katerina.

I walked into the diner them searched it until I found three people sitting at a booth. I smirked as I saw my sister with a fork in Katerina's hand. Elena was there but I didn't really care. Katerina didn't see me yet which made this more fun.

I skipped over to there booth and jumped in beside Elena, facing Katerina. Katerina's eyes went wide as she started blinking abnormally. I smirked at her then she tried to run but Rebekah dug the fork deeper into her so she couldn't move. She looked petrified of me and she had a right to be. Normally I would kill her but that cure is too important to me now. I still couldn't resist the urge to rip her heart out, I never was good at controlling my emotions but I held the urge back.

"Lovely to see you again Katerina." I smirked.

"Let me go! She'll kill me!" Katerina squealed to Rebekah.

"I'm not going to kill you, at least not until I get the cure." I told her.

"We got this, Elena's meeting someone in five minutes to talk abut the cure." Rebekah told me.

"Well I think you should hurry along Elena, gives me a chance to catch up with the famous Katerina Petrova." I smirked.

I let Elena out and she went off to meet the person. I sat back down and considered what to do to Katerina to make her suffer, so many ideas.

"Why do you want the cure?" Katerina asked me.

"Rebekah wants it to be human once again." I told her trying to avoid the question.

"But why do you want it?" She asked me again.

"For my family." I replied honestly but Rebekah just thought that meant I wanted it for her.

"Speaking of family, how's Kol?" She smirked

I grabbed the knife that was beside me and dug t into her other hand and she screamed.

"Don't you dare!" I hissed at her as i twisted the knife further into her skin and she squealed more. "Do not forget Katerina Petrova, I'm not afraid of killing you, I will happily do it even if it means losing the cure. I will send you back to the burning gates of hell where you belong. I will make every single moment of your immortal life an eternity of pain and misery. I will make you regret the day you ever sold your soul to become immortal. Do you understand me?"

I think I might have have even scared Rebekah never mind Katerina who now basically looked like she did when she found out Niklaus and I killed her entire family.

"Scary original hybrid twin."

I looked over my shoulder and saw Stefan and Damon Salvatore standing there. They both looked between me, Rebekah and Katerina then they each sat down at each side over me, trapping me in the middle.

"Well what did we miss?" Damon asked.

"Elena's going to meet a friend of Katerina's." Rebekah told them.

"Ok, I've got an idea. Damon, Rebekah you two go with Katherine to her house and search for the cure, Demi and I will go find Elena." Stefan said.

"I don't think so." I said.

"Demetria, that's a good idea." Rebekah told me.

I think about it and came to the conclusion it actually was a good idea. I sighed, pulled the knife out of Katerina's hand causing her to scream then I shoved Stefan out of the booth. I got out behind him then we started walking out the door. We walked to the town square and Stefan took out his phone.

"I wonder who Elena's with." Stefan thought.

"I don't care." I sighed then sat down on a bench.

"We need to talk." Stefan stated.

"No thanks." I shrugged him off.

"Demi we're talking." He frowned.

There was one easy way to get out of this. I looked into Elena's head to find out who she was talking with. When I did, I jumped up but stan grabbed my wrist.

"Demi you can't avoid me." Stefan told me.

"It's not that Stefan, I need to find Elena." I told him.

"Why?" He asked me.

"She's with Elijah...."

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