"And I have to apologise, I behaved like a baby and I'm sorry." She said.

"It's ok Caroline, why don't we start a new?" I offered.

"I'd like that." She smiled

"Hey guys, I just got a text from Elena inviting me to Stefan's for a party." Matt told me and Caroline.

"I swear I'm going to kill that brat!" Caroline freaked. "I'm going to change, I'll meet you two there."

Caroline walked away then so did Matt and I. We decided for Matt to drive to Stefan's because I didn't want to run. It only took us like five minutes to get there and when we did, Stefan's house was packed. Drunken kids on the lawn and music that would burst your ear drums. I started to scowl and Matt noticed.

"Don't kill anyone." Matt smirked as we got out if the car.

"No promises." I smirked back.

We walked into the house and managed to get separated along the way but I spotted Stefan and walked over to him.

"Still sticking by Elena's side?" I asked him, crossing my arms.

"It's not like that Demi and you know it." He smirked. "You're moody."

"Excuse me?" I raised my eyebrow at him.

"You're moody, it's a party, lighten up Dems. Come on, dance with me." He smiled, taking my hands.

"When did you become fun, ever since I came here you've been a bore." I laughed at him.

"You bring out the fun side in me." He laughed as we danced together.

"Evidentially." I smirked "I like the fun you."

"And I love you." He smiled.

"I love you too Stefan." I smiled back.

Then Stefan bent down and kissed me. I was motionless and blank for a few seconds before I started to kiss him back. I didn't know if this was serious or not but it felt good. His arms snaked around my waist and mine around his neck. We both smiled into the kiss and he ran his tongue along my smooth teeth. I opened my mouth for him as we continued kissing. I teasingly bit his lip just hard enough for a trickle of blood to come down which I then licked and he moaned.

"Huh hmm."

Stefan and I unwillingly broke apart and turned to see Elena was the one who interrupted us. Stefan and I looked at each other then back at Elena.


"Don't, it's good you've finally moved on from me, you two look good together." Elena said vaguely.

Then she walked away. I turned to Stefan and bit my lip.

"Oops." I said awkwardly.

"Forget about her." He smirked then bent down and kissed me again.

"She seemed upset, not that I care but you-

"I don't care what Elena does." Stefan told me.

I shrugged then leaned up and kissed him again but stopped when I heard Caroline and Elena fighting because Elena hurt Caroline's mum. Stefan heard it too and we both walked over to the two girls bitching.

"What's going on?" Stefan asked Caroline.

"She hurt my mum Stefan." Caroline stuttered obviously upset.

Stefan went to turn to Elena but she was gone.

"She ran, Caroline, Demi come on help me find her." Stefan sighed.

Why did he still care so much about her? He was just kissing me but all he's worried about is poor little Elena. Maybe kissing him was a bad idea, even if a did love him and I did. I didn't just love Stefan, I was in love with him but he'll never feel the same with Elena around.

Stefan took my hand and we ran outside with Caroline. We ran into the middle of the forest to look for Elena.

"Ok let's split up, if you see her don't hesitate, just snap her neck then bring her back. Caroline you go that way, Demi you go that way and I'll go this way." Stefan said directing us to different ways.

Caroline ran in her direction. I rolled my eyes and turned then started walking away but Stefan stopped me.

"What's wrong Demi?" He asked me.

"What's wrong?! What's wrong is you can't get that Elena Gilbert out of your head!" I yelled.

"Demi I-

"Don't bother Stefan." I cut him off.

"Demi I chose you." He told me and I turned to him. "I'll help you find the cure, I'm done with Elena trust me."

"Yea and that's why you're making me track down your ex girlfriend, give it up Stefan, you still love her and she's all you'll ever love." I sighed.

I turned from stefan again and started running. I might not want anything to do with Stefan and Elena's relationship but I do want to snap Elena's neck, that will be worth finding her.

I kept searching through the first until, out of nowhere, I was pushed up against a tree and being bitten by Elena. I instantly pushed her off me.

"Who do you think you are? It is not a smart idea to take on an original Elena Gilbert. I'm not like my siblings, you piss me off and I'll kill you without even thinking about it. I don't have the time nor patience to deal with newbie vampires." I hissed at her.

"I can take you on." She stated.

I laughed, a lot. "Sweetie, who are you kidding? You're weak, pathetic and a brat. You might have think you've turned your humanity off but that doesn't change the fact that you're cant change who you are because you don't like who you are. You need to grow up Elena Gilbert."

"You just want to steal Stefan from me." She spat.

"I want to steal Stefan from you? Hate to break it to you love but he was mine long before he was yours and besides, he can't stand the new you." I shrugged.

Elena apparently didn't like what I said and she ran towards me to attack me but I simply just snapped her neck and she was out for it. I stepped over her body casually, giving her a little kick along the way. Then Damon ran past me to Elena's side.

"Don't worry, I didn't rip her heart out, just yet." I told Damon then ran.

Twin Of A Hybrid: Original SinWhere stories live. Discover now