It's Steve not Stove!

Start from the beginning

'Out' I said very mysteriously looking at my mirror to check for any final fixes.

'With who?' he said very curious. Before I could say anything someone else answered me.

'Me.' It was Scott and he was waiting at the front door. He wore a grey longsleeve that was from American Eagle because of the sign and jeans that were skinny jeans but not to skinny and Nike's. Super cute

'Sorry im just barging in I texted you that I was outside but I guess you were talking to him' emphising the him and glaring at Blake.

'It's alright, your here at the perfect timing!' I said.

'Well im going now so lock the door when your done here' I said to Blake leaving him and walking to Scott's care.


It was awkard at first in the car but we talked about 5 minutes in about random stuff and laughed a few times.

'So what's with Blake and you?' he asked out of the blue.

I looked at him and saw him concentrating on the road.

'Nothing don't worry about it, his just a freak trying to annoy me' I said putting a hand on his knee to try to gain his trust. It was really difficult because he seemed unsure with my answer. He tightly gripped the stiring wheen and was very concentreated on the road and had a very serious face. I looked out the window and it got quite from the car ride to the movies.

When we got to the movies he was a very nice gentlemen and opened the door for me. We were walking tot he movies and he took my hand and squeezed it gently.

'Im sorry about what happend in the car, I just don't trust him, your just so beautiful and I feel that you lust over him' he said getting embarred. So cute!

'It's ok don't worry' I said kissing his cheek.

We sat in the middle of the theater and was watching the trailers leading to the movie. We were going to watch Brides Maids and I heard it was super funny! He put his arm around me and I snuggled to his shoulder.

'What kind of name is Stove...It's Steeve...Whatever Stove, like seriously isn't that like a kitchen appliance.' The movie was so FUNNY! Me and Scott were laughing mostly the whole time. At one point of the movie he gave me a quick peck on the cheek when there was a cute boy girl moment in the movie. After about 2 hours of laughing the movie was over and I loved it!

Scott and I just stayed in the arcade playing a car game.

'The movie was SO funny!' I said focusing on winning this race.

'Very, loved the paart where they got food poisen and the girl did her thing in the sink' I laughed remembering that scene. I stired left right reveresed from hitting other cars and spinning a couple of times but at the end it wasn't good enough and came in 8th place....which is last and Scott one first.

'Good try babe' he said kissing my cheek.

'Next time I will win!' I said. After a few more arcade games we finally left and this car ride home was less awkward because we talked mostly about the movie. He put hiso car on park when he was at my house and we sat in the car for about 2 minutes of silence.

'I had a really good time'  I said giving him a smile.

'Im happy you did, next time i'll make sure you love it' he said back rubbing his hand on my leg.

Sure the date was great but I wasn't really feeling it? Not much spark and tingles when he would touch me. I mean shouldn't there at least be something? He was so sweet and kind but I felt nothing for him more of a friend friend thing. No love to be considered in this relationship. It wasn't because of Blake was it? It couldn't be he is so annoying and such a jerk! I guess im just not ready, maybe a few more dates to get things to kick in.

I didn't know I was zoned out a bit until he was really close to my face ready to plant one right on me until there was a knock on my window. I jumped a bit and backed away quickly. 

I turned to face the window to see Blake waving to me to get out the car and pointing to the watch pretending like it was past my bedtime. Scott grunted but smiled quickly at me.

He gave me a quick peck on the cheek befoe I got out of the car. I waved bye to him and watch him drive off his lexus.


'WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM BLAKE?' I said walking into my house with him following behind me.

'Well I was bored and waited for you in your house and saw that you were back but it took you awhile to get in the house so I thought you died, so I went to check up on you' he said being very innocent when I knew it was an act.

'Whatever' I said pretending to be mad and giving him a glare. In a way im kinda happy he stopped us before because I was not really ready to kiss him and rejecting him twice would get him very suspicious and think that I don't want to date him.

'Wait here, i'll just get dressed and i''ll be back downstairs' I said making my way upstairs and him waiting pataintly on the couch.

When I got back downstairs he had a Nutella sandwhich in his hand and was gobbling it up like a hippo. He was watching some informercial about the 'Shamwow'.

'So where is Tessa? We were going to have a sleepover.' I asked him grabbing a drink from the fridge.

'Well the reason im here is beause she forcefully told me to come here to keep you company because she is going to be busy with her man, Wes and felt bad for leaving you hanging.' he said slapping the couch seat for me to sit on.

'Oh ok, I guess it's better then nothing.' I said smiling and sitting beside him on the bed. I can't belive me with this jerk off, she will pay later on. But at least she remembered about me and didn't leave me alone.

'Ready for a movie night?' he said while chewing on his sandwhich.


'It will be just like old times! Except instead of a Barney marathon will have a scary, horror marathon' he said giving me a friendly smile.

I laughed and was ready for a fun night ahead.


I watched Brides Maids today and wanted to add that part in! If you have seen that movie comment me your favourite part!  

Please comment and vote, it would mean the WORLD to me! 
Love lots xo 

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