Chapter 3: Meet the neighbour

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Beep. Beep. A loud beeping noise wakes the boy up.

"ARGH Shut it." A groggy and sleepy voice says.

Beep. Beep. It continuous in an irritating and repetitive way.

Reaching his arm to smack the alarm clock situated in his bed side table, the boy smacks it with such force that he hopes it broke so next week it won't be able to wake him up from his so precious and amazing sleep. Thank god it's Friday. Louis thinks and his face splits into a huge grin. Friday's mean parties and parties mean happy Louis and happy Louis is just awesome isn't it!

Stretching himself out of bed Louis goes to open his curtains and window to let the 7am breeze and rays of sunshine invade his room and illuminate his features. He swears that the next job he finds needs to be only afternoons because c'mon! No one deserves to wake up at seven in the bloody morning and start work at eight. It's torture. It's inhuman, it's every bad word you find in your brain, every bad adjective you find in the dictionary is how Louis feels about going to work at 8 am.

For crying out loud he doesn't even have time to take a good and nice shower at peace, he has to rush the soap up and down his body and the shampoo in his hair. Louis swears that most of the times he doesn't even dries himself! He just throws his clothes in his body and lets them dry him out.

Breakfast?! Please, the boy doesn't even know what that is because during the weekend he just wakes up with a hangover and no desire to eat whatsoever and during the week he's to busy getting ready for work to think about his cheerio's, the sweet smell, the amazing taste of honey, the crushing when you take that first bite, and the cold milk when you first pour it over the cereal. Delicious.

And yes now Louis is fantasising about having breakfast and his mouth is watery and because he was day dreaming he is now late. Fantastic.

Quickly finishing putting his pants on, Louis throws in a random shirt from the pile at the end of his bed that his somewhat clean over his torso, grabs his phone of the nightstand and his off to the kitchen. He picks up an apple and heads for the front door. Grabbing his door and car keys that are on the bowl in his hall and his wallet he runs to get his door locked fumbling with the keys.

"WHAT ELSE CAN GO WRONG TODAY GOD DAMN IT!!?" Louis screams because he's so fed up with his day and it's only 7:45am.

Jumping in the elevator he makes his way to the underground parking lot where his beaten up Volkswagen awaits him. He looks over to the Audi R8 parked there as well Rich ass bastards Louis thinks because c'mon that's Louis dream car right there, he needs to make multiple double shifts at the coffee shop just to be able to pay for the insure of his own car right now, he can't imagine how many shifts he would be needed to do to buy a car like that.

Louis knows for a fact that the car belongs to one of his upstairs neighbour, the uptight younger one. He's probably some rich ass kid, with rich parents that get him everything he wants, not caring about life or people in general. He asks and he gets. Louis despises those people that's why he never really invited him for his parties or made an attempt to get to know the guy.

Don't get him wrong. He's not really a person that judges without knowing but after being so mistreated during his childhood because he didn't wore the latest shoes and he dressed himself comfortably and with something that he liked and not those fancy brands, or because he was bisexual and people didn't seem to accept that, he really started disliking people that get everything handed to them in a platter.

Louis is also the guy that likes to know everybody, that likes to be friends with everyone, he likes to have all his friends over and throw massive parties because that how he is, a peoples person. He invited Nathan, a divorced guy that lives above him as well, so it's not like Louis dislikes his neighbours, he just dislikes that specific tall one.

Louis was entering the building one time when the guy, Nathan, was just sitting there, in the cold hard ground crying his eyes out, the boy felt sorry for him, he never liked seeing people cry or sad, because he was always bubbly and happy he expected every single person that walks on earth was like that too. He didn't comprehend the reason for the guy tears so being him and having that big mouth that just blurts out everything that comes to his head first he just asked:"Hey mate, what's up? Did you ate a bad onion or something?" Louis seriously needs to be more thoughtful when speaking to random people e finds in the street or just outside his apartment.

The guy looked up with red swollen eyes and just laughed at Louis question, random Louis thought. "Nah, I'm good mate. Just a bad break up with my wife..." the guy answered with tears pooling at his eyes again. Louis didn't know what to say to that situation, he never really experienced a break up and his closer friends never cried when they broke up with a girl, probably because none of them took things seriously, or maybe because they are just insensible pricks, but in any case Louis was in sandy ground, he wanted to help Nathan he just didn't know how so the best offer he could come up to to cheer him up was inviting him for his parties, because Louis thought if parties can cheer me up, they an cheer anyone! Wrong Louis, they can't cheer your upstairs neighbour up he thought for a briefly second.

Making his way to his work place already late, Louis prepares himself for his last day at work with his mind set in only one goal: party time tonight!


AN: Hello, okay so I know I've been MIA but my life became completly chaos when I entered university and only now that I'm in the middle of my major I found time to finish this, and my other story. I'm sorry for the delay. By the end of this year my stories will be complete and I will no longer write so I hope you enjoy this one!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2017 ⏰

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