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At school I can think

I can think about anything

Depression doesn't run through my mind

I long think about what I need

For eight hours

I can pretend

Pretend I'm ok

Pretend like I don't hurt

Because I'm too busy

Too busy doing work

Too busy learning

For those eight hours I can pretend

Pretend like nothing ever happened

Though sometimes I don't want to go

It helps me get a release

I am learning to not focus on you

And you know who I mean

I can think clearly

It's with this clarity that I found a guy

Though he does not know

I can't tell

I don't want to be with him

But at the same time i do

He is still a crush

I haven't told him yet

I want him to know me for who I am

Not for who I want to be

So he is the main reason

Reason I want to go

Go to school

School in the morning.

PoemsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora