A - Adorable

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In every way, Scarlet is just plain adorable.

One day, I caught her in the moment while she was reading a book. (Translated in Ancient Greek, of course.) She's not much of a book lover, but when she's got interested in a book, she'd get sucked into the world of it.

Instead of walking towards her or calling her name, I leaned against a tree not far away from where she was sitting, where I can get a good view of her.

Don't call me a creep. Like you wouldn't stare at your crush with a dreamy expression coming onto your face.

So I observed her quietly. I watched her as she tucked a strand of her hair to the back of her ear when the wind was gently blowing. She must be getting to a good part, I thought. A pink blush crawled onto her face as Scarlet smiled. One thing about Scarlet's smiles is that they are contagious. Whenever I see them, I can't help but do the same.

When she went through a few more pages, she started to bite her lower lip as her eyes were running through the lines. That was when I knew the story was getting intense. Scarlet usually bites her lower lip whenever she feels nervous. I find that habit of hers too irresistible for me to plant a kiss on those pink, tender lips and... ehem, sorry, got carried away.

In my opinion, Scarlet defines the word 'adorable', even though she has no idea how adorable she is. In every way she does everything, I'd always find myself attracted to her.

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