Chapter Two.

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"Good morning." A nurse said to her.

" Where am I?" Emily said in a disinterested tone she could really care less she wanted her memory back and wanted to go wherever her home was. And then a terrible thought struck her mind, one that was quite possible. What if I don't have a home?

"You are at a rehab center where we will get you back on your feet and make sure those wounds of your heal." Emily laughed a cruel laugh at this like they could help her the nurse ignored her and continued on. " Do you remember how you got those wounds?" The question was daily.

"Do you think I would be here if I did." Emily scoffed. The nurse looked at her for a moment and Emily stared back.

"You know you look familiar." The nurse said. Emily looked out the window, the sun was just setting. It looked so beautiful and she lost herself in its beauty. She hoped she had a home where she could see the setting sun every day. Seeing that Emily was in her own little world the nurse left. A weird voice kept picking at her head as she tried to place the face with a name. A celebrity? A high school peer? (She hoped not)

Nolan walked up the steps of the beach house it seemed dead without the lights that Emily would keep on during the night. He walked onto the porch and sat in the swing David had made. The only good thought he could make out of the situation was that Emily could finally rest peacefully with David and she had gotten her revenge even if it cost her the ultimate sacrifice. Aiden had been staying with Nolan, he was planning to leave that week he seemed to have changed since Emily it was like they all had a certain part of all of them that was missing that they could never get back. Emily just made everything happen, she made you get angry, she made you fall in love, she made you feel things. Nolan heard footsteps approaching and turned to see Daniel, he leaned against the door frame his arms crossed watching the sun set.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Nolan examined Daniel's face it was puffy with tears, his shirt looked like a pajama top and when Nolan looked down he saw that Daniel actually was wearing pajamas (blue plaid ones.) He had stumble on his face, the result of not caring enough to shave, his hair was messy as if he hadn't bothered to brush it for weeks. Nolan looked down then back at the sunset.

" Yeah it is." He looked back down. " Sorry to disturb you I didn't know you would be here." Daniel waved his hand.

"Don't worry you're not disturbing me. If anything it's the other way around.

" Oh." Nolan stood. "Well in that case do you mind if I take a look around inside?"

"Go for it." Nolan walked into the house eyeing Daniel carefully until he had settled into the porch seat. Nolan went to the panel in the wall and found pictures of Amanda and David. He smiled in a sad sort of way, he was surprised no one had seen these, he tucked them into his pocket and went back to look around the house it seemed like everything was as Emily had left it, undisturbed. As if she might walk through that door at any minute her blond hair swinging and her hands full of groceries she would put them on the counter and speak about revenge plans with Nolan as she put them away. Like planning revenge was how everyone spent their weekends. He went upstairs and peeked in the guest room he had once stayed in, it seemed no different neither did Emily's bedroom. He thought that the house staying the same was a way for Daniel to cope as if Emily was just on a vacation and would be coming home any moment. He walked downstairs and noticed the open bottle of scotch on the living room table, a box of tissues on the cushions along with some blankets and pillows. He walked outside to where Daniel was still sitting as if frozen in time.

"Nice little bed you got set up there." It looked like Daniel almost smirked but it was quickly gone as he stared at the sunset. " Well I have to get going now so.." Daniel looked at Nolan and gave him a little head nod to say goodbye.


The nurse, Sharon, was giving Emily her daily dose of medicine when she flicked on the news

"In other news the funeral for Emily Grayson is to be next Friday. Emily Grayson was brutally shot on her honeymoon cruise with publisher Daniel Grayson her body has still not been discovered." A picture of a pretty blond and a handsome male appeared on the screen. Sharon paused the TV and looked back at the patient in the room Emily Grayson's face was identical to that of the patient's. She went to say something to Emily to only find out that she was sleeping. Sharon turned off the TV and went to her computer she said she was taking her break she searched up Emily Grayson and scanned through the pictures every one of them looked identical to the blond girl with two bullet wounds which was what Emily Grayson had supposedly got. Sharon quickly went looking for Daniel Grayson's phone number when she found it she dialed the number with shaking hands. The phone picked up just before it was about to go to voicemail.

"Hello." A voice said with a hint of annoyance in it.

" Hello is this Daniel Grayson?" Sharon said in her voice she used for patients who needed to calm down.

" Who's asking." In another tone the question could have been friendly a joke but this one was serious it wasn't even a question it was a statement.

"I'm Sharon I work at the Sunset rehab facility." She paused. " I have some information regarding your wife." The other end was silent.

Daniel nearly dropped the phone. They found her body or maybe she is still alive his thoughts battled against each other if they found her body the police would have contacted me

" Mr. Grayson are you still there?"

"Yes. Yes!" She cleared his throat trying to calm himself down. "Uh what were you saying?"

"I was wondering if you could pay us a visit regarding your wife."

"Yes of course." Daniel wrote down the directions and hung up. He quickly took a shower, shaved, and put on some clean clothes he hopped in his car and drove off. He quickly called Charlotte and got her voicemail. He told her that he was going away for a few days to get out of the Hamptons. He drove into the night and when he started to veer off the road he got a hotel room and as soon as he woke up he was off again he reached the rehab facility around 9 in the morning when he got there Sharon greeted him.

" Hello you must be Mr. Grayson we weren't expecting you so soon."

"What is it?" He said in a hurried voice he was so anxious to find out any information about Emily.

"What is what?"

"You said you had something to tell me about my wife, now what is it?"

" Oh yes well um how do I say this." Daniel heart dropped " The other day I was taking care of a patient here when the news came on it said that you're wives funeral was next week and they showed a picture of your wife and um." She paused

" Get on with it."

"Your wife looks identical to the patient I was treating and if the police were right in what wounds your wife had my patient has those same wounds." Daniel choked up and could barely get the words out

"So my wife is alive!"

"Well I'm not sure if she is your wife and I am extremely sorry if this is false hope."

" Wait wait what do you mean you don't know if she is my wife? Surely she must have told..."

" See that's the thing this patient has amnesia she doesn't remember her own name or a single event in her life."


" That's why I was hoping you could look at her and tell us if she is your wife."

" Yes of course, where is she?"

" This way."

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