*~Chapter 14: False Appearances~*

Começar do início

"No, he's been out for a while...I haven't seen him anywhere." Shissou took a closer look at Sara suspiciously.

"You seem kinda different."

"Uh. Different?! How?"

"You're voice is raspy for starters, your eye's changed, you smell like blood, your actions...I know you're a Sliek already, but, not like the Slieks I saw last time.."

"So what difference does it make?? I just have a cold! My eyes arent adjusted to this light, demon blood got on me, and I'm just jumpy! Dammit man! Can't a girl just be different for once in her life?!"

"Bitter phase going on?"

Sara cleared her throat and came to her senses...*Ahem*  "Y-yes, that's right. Sorry about the outburst."

"Shissou! You're an idiot!" Both Shissou and Sara looked around, and before Sara said a word, She was stabbed and her true form showed. The demon then melted away through the ground. He saw Sai, Tsugumi, and Ana looking at him. "You really need to learn the signs of fakers," Sai said sternly.

"Just how did you find me?"

"Really Shissou? You know how."

"But If that's not Sara, then where is she?"

    "Um...that's kinda why we're here..Please keep this information secret from your brother. We kinda came to tell you...she's been kidnapped."

Oracle City's Hospital...

Sunoco and Koru looked nearby the hospital. "Koru, why are we here, exactly?"

 "Aoru usually hangs out around here by himself. And if I'm right, he should be here somewhere."

"Why over here? It just feels so depressing..." He said nothing else and carried on. "Wait Koru! Listen to your mother!"  He ignored Sunoco and took a few looks around. Suddenly, a thought slipped his mind. "Oh, before I forget, where's Meiko and her cat?"

"She last told me she had important things to do at the realm. I can't check on them now by my own free will anymore ever since I used the transporter there. I have to be commanded over there by you, and there are complicated steps."  Soon enough, their effort paid off. He saw Aoru sitting on the roof.

"I'd knew I find you up here."

"Riga? What are you doing here?"

"Everyone's waiting for you. They want you to come back."

"I've been thinking, I'm not sure if I want to go back."

"What are you saying Aoru? They're your friends and need protection."

"I'm no Guardian, missy. Sure the gang is over, but what happens now?

"Just keep going as you are now, Aoru. They still follow you, so you are still a leader of the group. If you left them without a leader, just how will they manage?"  Aoru looked at Sunoco bewildered. Then he looked at Koru.

"You were always on top of things Aoru. Do you really plan on throwing in the towel?" 

 "Riga...you've changed quite a bit this past month. Even so, you're still Mr. Goody Two Shoes..."

"Maybe...but we came here to tell you something urgent. About Sara."

His expression didn't change much. "What about her?" Koru took a deep breath and chose his words carefully. He knew saying the wrong things will deeply upset him. "Some Slieks came earlier and kinda took her hostage." Aoru was silent for a few moments and finally replied..."About time."

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