I forced the lump out of my throat and continued to cradle it against my chest as I wandered to the other door outside in the hall and found the kitchen next to the living room. It was a medium-sized kitchen. Roughly the same size as the kitchen back in the old apartment.

And as I stood there in the hallway, I spied my spare key on the table and remembered. With an idea in my head I walked to the key and picked it up, hurrying back inside the living room and immediately fleeing to the almost-veranda door tucked in the corner of the room behind the large TV on it's glass stand.

Really; as if a large TV was going to dissuade me from going out there Spencer.

I put the blanket between my knees as I slotted the key inside the veranda door and turned; hearing the lock click and the door pop open towards me.

I grinned in glee and wrapped the blanket around me as the cold early-autumn air greeted me. I pulled the key from the lock and stepped outside onto the freezing black metal fire escape; hissing as the cold metal bit through my thin nylon tights.

Shivering and pulling the blanket tighter around me I contemplated going back inside for my shoes, but I knew that heels wouldn't do me any favours out here on the metal and so I continued up the metal stairs which shockingly took me out onto the roof.

I gasped in surprise as I realised I was standing in a square area cordoned off with shoulder-high black metal railings. There were ventilation systems and boilers and water tanks and back-up generators filling the remainder of the roof which was low in comparison to all the other tall buildings in the city surrounding me but the view was still spectacular.

There was a small black metal two-seater table up here and a trash can. I chewed on my lip as I stepped closer to the railing, leaning on the edge as I held the blanket tighter around me.

This place was beautiful.

The Lover

I took the stairs two at a time; frantically running up them breathlessly panting in my urge to get to the apartment where I knew she was waiting for me.

This is it; this is what I'd been waiting for almost two weeks for.

"Melly!" I burst the second I unlocked the door and stormed inside the apartment. "I'm home!" I called and then laughed at the words; feeling so foreign on my tongue.

I closed and locked the door behind me, throwing my keys down on the table and my jacket on the coat-stand beside her own before frowning as I realised she hadn't replied.

"Melly?!" I called again, pausing silently to wait for her reply. When it didn't come I began to panic.

Yes, she could potentially be asleep, but my first call would awaken her.

"Melanie?!" I called out, hurrying down the hallway to my bedroom. I checked the bathroom and the kitchen before doubling back inside the living room and immediately realising she'd found the rooftop.

Sighing to myself I smiled and shook my head.

Of course she'd find the rooftop.

She'd been here not even an hour and she already had the place sussed whereas Dylan had been here countless amounts of times and she'd never been on that rooftop.

I carefully stepped around the TV - precariously so because I'd positioned the TV in a place in which to deter Dylan from asking questions or trying the door-handle - and out onto the veranda, climbing the stairs quietly.

Before I reached the top, however, I spotted her.

There she was; stood before me looking more wonderful than she ever had before.

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