e i g h t e e n

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C a m e r o n


"Sierra, please just tell me where she is?" I beg. She shakes her head.

"No. I'm not telling you. I promised." Sierra says..

"Can you at least tell me where the next note is?!" I shout.

"Read the note you just got! I already gave you a shortcut Cameron! No more!" Sierra says.

I roll my eyes reading the note.

Almost done.(:

Go to our favorite bakery to visit when we come to New York

I groan. I stand up, walking down the street with the guys.

Why am I doing this? Letting her treat me like this? Granted I love her, but why am I doing this.

I'm never going to find her. It's best to just let her go...

"I'm done looking..." I say.

Shawn, Taylor and Jack look at me.

"Are you serious? You drag our asses all the way to New York, your almost done and you just want to quit?!" Jack shouts.

"Yeah Jack! If I let her treat me like this then what the fuck am I? She thinks I'm a game!"

"No she doesn't! Bella loves you and you damn well know it Cameron." Taylor says.

"Yeah, if Bella loved me she would have just came to talk to me about our problems. Not go and make a game!"

I start walking in the other direction.

"Cameron where are you going!" Jack shouts.

"Boston! Where in suppose to be!"


Finding HerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang