@Xo-Stay_Creepy-oX asked My Emabrassing Moment, Crush, and Thought on Jeff

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*eats the plate of waffles* Thank you so much~ oh! My most embarrassing moment was when I twitched really hard and ended up falling onto BEN, (P.S. Not a very soft person to land on) I don't really have a crush, I have a close killing buddy, (if that even counts) and I absoulty hate Jeff! He's always so mean to the girls (Jane,Sally,Nina... Lost track) and he makes fun of me... He's lucky Slender is around when I get mad (usually trying to throw my hatchets at Jeff's head when Slender's around though)
Again thank you @Xo-Stay_Creepy-oX for the waffles and I hope this was helpful~

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