Chapter 8

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As Sierra woke up, it was still not morning. She just wasn't able to sleep, she had too many thoughts in her hear.

Suddenly she heard a noice. Sounded like someone wrapping paper.
Slowly she stood up and walked to the kitchen.
"Still hungry?" she giggled as she saw Ramin eating his whole freezer.
"You've eaten nearly the while pizza, what do you espect of me?" he laughed loudly "Nice boxers, where did you get them?" Sierra couldn't deny that he was cute.
"Nick texted me..." she suddenly whispered.
"Nick?! Isn't that your ex boyfriend?" Ramin gasped.
"Something serious?"
"Well, he just thinks we're having... uhm... you know."
"Heeey, we aren't this far, but maybe someday." he giggled and kissed her forehead.
Sierra blushed badly and asked him:"Have... Have you really done this now?"
"You're very important to me. Deal with that." he hissed.
Sierra blushed again but instantly started to laugh.
"Same." she giggled and embraced him softly.

"Go to bed now, Sie. You need the sleep. We have to sing tomorrow or... today."
"We need the sleep, you dork. You'll be singing too."

After discussing about an hour who had to sleep when and how long, they ended up cuddling in Ramin's bed and shortly after that finally falling asleep.

The point of no return - Rierra FanficNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ