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*~*~*~*Blake's POV

I went upstairs to take a shower. I walked into the bathroom to see Koda showering the baby. " baba!" THe baby reach out for me while wiggling in the soapy water."you can take him out he's all clean." Koda said trotting out the bathroom into the bedroom. " hey little guy how are you" I wrapped him up in my towel before placin him on the bed

"Baba!" He said again as I bent over and he squeezed my noise. I started to dry him. "I got some dippers for him, wipes too, also some baby oil. " I laughed at Koda. He was acting like a father already and doesn't even have pups yet

I put a dipper and rub some baby oil on his tiny body. " hehe" the baby giggle as he started to play with my fingers "hopefully he'll be safe here " I nodded in agreement to that. I felt the need to protect this baby which actually is now my responsibility sense I sign the papers. I heard something growl by me. " don't look at me." Again something growl and this time we looked at the baby, who was looking at his own belly.

"Is there anything we can give him" I asked to Koda but he shrug. " why didnt you buy some milk " and he shrug again. Maybe if there's milk downstairs I can warm some up and give him some. "Baba." And the baby started to cry. I took him into my arms and went downstairs

I went downstairs towards the kitchen. Luckily there was milk. Yes. Wait, he's too small to drink out of a regular cup. "Umm.. Who's the baby you're holding?" Derek ask as he walked in the kitchen.

" umm, he's, well I don't know his name but can you hold him for a minute." I handed the baby to him and he started to rock the tiny little baby in his arms.

I warmed up the milk and found a sipping-cup. As I was screwing the lid-" ouch!" The baby started crying. "What did you do to him" I snatched the baby out of this hands and scan his body from head to toes.

"He's the one that hit me on the noise" Derek whine as he rubbed his noise. I grabbed the milk from the counter, when the baby saw it, it was out of my hands.

He giggle and reached a little hand out. I smile and  started to rock him slowly." He's really cute" Derek carefully squeeze the small hand.

My phone start to vibrate and Timmy's name flashed on the lighted screen. I rolled my eyes and put him on speaker

Blake: is there somethin I can do for ya my love.

Timmy: yes babe there is. Can you text me where ya living at right now.

Blake: sure anythin for ya.

I hung up and texted Timmy the location. " let me guess your best friend" I looked up at Derek, who by the way looked really annoyed.
" yeah" I said firmly and he flinched. His attitude is starting to annoy me.

Huffing, I looked down at the baby to see him asleep still gripping the sipping-cup. I placed it in the sink and started walkin towards the room but not before bumping Derek's shoulder and he stumble backward.

-/-/-/-/-/-Derek's POV

I caught myself before I actually fell. I glare at Blake's back as he walk through the kitchen. " ya know I can't see you but I can feel you glaring at me. It's not that hard to tell. I can even  feel it in the air too" he looked back but his hair was covering his beautiful eyes.

No don't think like that. You're mad at him for almost making you fall on your ass and he's just being an ass. " dude I'm going to head home my mom is probably worry. So I'll see you tomorrow" Travis said and ran out the door.

Great! Now I'm left in the house with Blake. What's up with him? He didn't acted like that yesterday. Ugh! I don't want to be here but I don't have anywhere else to go either. I can't believe I'm doing this.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2018 ⏰

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