character info ...

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Name : Skyler
Age: 11
Hair color : golden blond
Eye color : violet (purple)
Likes : animals , fluffy fluff scarfs ,Raman, music , soft things , his stuffed teddy named : rin , silk PJs , candy ,fruit ,and clinging onto adian
Dislikes : hard things , broccoli , mushrooms , being yelled at , the color gray ,

Ear color : black with white tips
Tail color : light brown
Fav color : blue
Nickname : sky
Name : adian
Age : 11
Hair color : golden blond
Eye color : violet (purple)
Likes : candy , anything sweet , having Skyler cling to him for dear life half the time , music ,anima ,drawling ,reading manga ,Raman soft things ,and silk PJs ,animals too
Dislikes : raba , people on his crap list , veges , people yelling at Skyler , color white , strawberry milk , being sick

Ear color : white with black tips
Tail color : light brown
Fav color red
Nickname : frost

BTW - adian and Skyler are twins

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2015 ⏰

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