Chp 2- On our way to the greatest day!

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Me and Peyton were in the car rocking out to A Little Piece of Heaven switch singing each line as if we were texting each other. We were on our way to the greatest day right there in Nashville TN. We were so excited we were both surprised we didn't get in a wreck. Thank god we didn't! We pulled up to the stadium. We both started giggling like little girls! Especially Peyton all Googly eyed about meeting her love The M. Shadows. Me, I'm just a fairly new die hard fan so i don't know the guys like she does.

It felt good to pass the long lines of othe die hard fans and to know we get to be up close and personal. winding through all the security and belted off entrances and exits. it almost seemed like prison, But more exciting. Still passing through the lines being yelled and shouted at never felt so good! even Peyton was taking all the insults as compliments as i learned young.

"Holy crap, DO YOU KNOW HOW CLOSE WE ARE TO MEETING......THEM!!! AHHH!!" Peyton yelled and sighed as if she was going to pass out!

"YESS AND YOU GET TO SEE YOUR LOVER!" i yelled over the noisy crowd!

Peyton turned as red as a tomato and punched me in the gut while having a giggle fit! I punched her back and we both almost died on the floor laughing in excitement! Of course a7x wasnt the only band there Bullet fot My Valentine and Three Days Grace put on a pretty good show it was as if as soon as they got on stage they got off! we were having so much fun time was flying which i absolutley hate cause they you dont really have much time to enjoy the good times in life. We heard one of those guys who shout when youre soposed to go on stage "sevenfold 10 min!" one by one they started walking out of the dressing room!

We finally broke through the crowd and followed a security guard to our own special little room. Peyton was dancing on the inside, at least it was written all over her blushed face. I was just so happy i was actually meeting one of the most amazing band I've ever listened to! We had to go through another special security unit just in case. Dumb security. we were finally actually Back stage but we didn't see the guys. We were so worried about just meeting A7X we didnt even relize the other two bands till they walked past to get on stage. Bullet for My Valentine and Three days grace really threw on a good show! Me and Peyton were having so much fun time was flying! Next thing you know is you hear "Sevenfold 10 min!" shouts the stage director! there they were walking out one by one.

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