His idea of me being long dark haired, green eyed, sun kissed skin, and muscular build was so off, it was pitiful. My pale, almost white, blonde hair clung to my high cheekbones in a razored fashion matching my ghostly white complexion. My eyes use to be a shocking electric blue, but were now a dark ruby red. If I was human, you would see deep bags under my eyes from lack of – at least – 300 years of sleep. I was muscular, but my clothes hid it from human eyes. My structure was strong, I was bigger boned, also known as an 'athletic build' by the humans.

The gray hair on the back of his neck stood up on end. I could taste the intoxicating scent of his fear. Sweat fell from his brow as his eyes filled with pure horror.

“Who are you?” I laughed at his question. Normally I wouldn't respond to a victim, but this was different.

“Of all the humans in the world, you should know. Since you know what I look like.” My Russian accent was heavy. His eyes scrutinized my figure and he cringed back in fear. “I'm the 'Notorious Moral Demon'.” I answered with my signature smile.

“Y-y-you are?” He shivered. I could hear his blood pumping through his veins faster with each menacing step that I took towards him. My eyes were focused on his neck vein that moved every time he clenched his teeth. I couldn't hold it in anymore, my thirst had gotten so bad that my ears were ringing.

I lunged for his neck, knocking our bodies to the floor, the scent of his blood was too much for me to handle. The moment my mouth met his neck, my teeth dug in and I drank hungrily. He struggled to get me off of him, but I was too busy with his yummy blood to care. His arms continued to flail till I took a large gulp.

His blood rushing over my tongue was just as good as any other humans, but his was super sweet. I could tell he had never taken any medication in his lifetime, it was a rare find, leaving me wishing that there were more like him.

Once his body was drained of every single drop of blood, I took my long, almost dagger-like, ring and carved my initials into his arm. I dismembered his arms and legs, tossing the torso piece away from me like the plague; it didn't hold my interest.

I held his head in my hands and let a laugh escape my lips. I licked the blood off of the corner of his lips and stared at it happily. His small mouth was open like a venus flytrap getting ready to close in on its prey. His gray eyes had rolled into the back of his head.

Usually I just left them like that, but I decided to leave them a sign. Using my ring, I carved the words 'Fear Me' on his cheeks. I sucked the blood away from my words and left him like that. The next days paper had me grinning all day long. 'The Notorious Moral Demon Strike's again; who's next.' I remembered the article as clear as day.

'Kerof Brennan was found dead and dismembered in New York, New York late last night. Forensics scientist and CSI agent 'Kelly Nicole' confirmed that he died last night around midnight. She has been following these cases for years. She says, “I will be the one to crack this case. Nothing will stop me till the Notorious Moral Demon is caught.” Miss Nicole reported that the letters 'S-I-R' were carved into the victim's arm and the words 'Fear Me' were carved on the victim's head. Anyone with information on the Notorious Moral Demon, please report it to your local police station immediately.'

Kelly Nicole; oh, how I hated but loved her. I hated the fact that she was trying to find out every detail about me with her stupid science. In science, I don't even exist. The only thing I loved about her was the chase. I liked it that at least one person was trying to figure me out - not that they ever would - instead of coming to accusations instantly.

One major default in their research, was the fact that they believe that I am more than five different people carrying on the 'tradition' for over 300 years. I wasn't a fan of 'tradition' but I guess the way I kill people is a 'tradition'. I killed at least two people a day. It had been that way for the past 287 years.

I shook my head, too many thoughts at once. I picked up my duffel bag and ran till I hit my next state; Texas. I never stayed in one state for more than two days. I loved to travel, it was my passion besides killing. I loved the new scents that each place brought. Staying in one place for so long made me start to feel claustrophobic.

I would've laughed at the thought of being claustrophobic when I was human, but now I truly understood people when they got claustrophobic. I started to feel like I couldn't breathe – not that I had to – and I would itch to leave the area.

I could feel the crooked smile of mine reach my face as my very old house came into view. Even though it was pitch black outside, I could see everything clearly. I could see every little piece of peeling paint that was threatening to fall off of the house, every cobweb and spider that loomed in the windows, every color that reflected off the house in the shallow moonlight that seemed to stream through the thick clouds above.

Purples and blues – my all time favorite colors - were the most dominant colors that reflected off of the house. A few tints of red and black were mixed in with the colors, but I didn't bother to study them. This was my favorite and most visited house out of all of mine I had throughout the fifty states.

It was shaded away from any human eyes because of all the gigantic trees of the forest that clung to each other, sweeping high and low, blocking their view. Nobody dared to enter this forest because it was known as 'Deadly Willows'. No matter the person that went in, they never came out. Anyone who was a part of the search parties disappeared too.

That was all me, of course. I loved the quick intake of air that they did as they realized their partner had randomly disappeared. Their quivering lips and searching eyes as they jumped at every sound. I loved chasing them around the forest as they smacked into every low branch they passed, leaving the sweet scent of their blood throughout the forest.

I loved to call this place 'Sweet Blood Hollows'. I was even tempted to put up a sign, but decided they had enough attention on me throughout the world.

I took quick but graceful steps towards the house and inhaled deeply before opening the door.



Soooo...... Watch'a think? Good/Bad/Horrible??? Please comment and let me know. Constructive critisism only.

If anyone has an idea for a cast, please let me know.



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