"Are you even wearing shorts?" He questioned.

"No, I'm too lazy to go grab a pair from my laundry basket in the back porch and this tank top is like a dress anyway." I mumbled.

I felt 4 familiar little feet on the pillow behind me. They had walked on top of my ribs and later down on top of Denis.

"Ah! What the fuck?!" He exclaimed. I giggled at his jumpiness.

"Calm down, if just my cat." I reassured him.

"Oh, hello kitty." He said calmly. I put my head on Denis' chest and petted the purring cat.

"I think she likes you." I muttered quietly. "She hates everybody but me."

"Well then, that's good." He stated. Put my headphones back in and shortly after fell asleep.

Times skip to 2pm.

I woke up to Denis poking me all over. He poked my nose one last time.

"Meh, why?" I groaned. "What do you want from me??"

"Get up. It's 2pm." He stated.

"I dun care, being in town tires me. I can only take so much." I mumbled before rolling over. Denis sat up and continued to poke me. I lied there and didn't do anything.

I figured he had gotten bored of poking me. He pretend to play the drums, and eventually it was the bongos... On my ass.

"Why are you doing this?" I groaned before flipping onto my back and stretching.

Denis patted my stomach continuously. "Cause you need to get up. I'm hungry!" He exclaimed. I rolled and slid off my bed, landing on my feet.

He cheered and followed me to the kitchen.

"Alice are you at least wearing shorts?" My dad asked.

"No, and I dun wanna." I grumbled. He sighed and went to his office, making a bunch of phone calls. He works from home.

"What do you wanna eat this time?" I asked Denis.

"French toast?" He replied questionably.

I shrugged and got everything out, making the food. I handed him a plate with French Toast and bacon. The others had gotten up when I finished cooking.

I didn't want any food, I just returned to my room and played on my phone.

Roughly 20 minutes later Denis walked into my room.

"Are you gonna eat anything?" He asked.

"Not hungry." I mumbled.

"You haven't eaten anything since yesterday at Starbucks when we went to Costco." He stated.

"Just not hungry." I waved him off.

"Are you anorexic?" He questioned.

"No." I lied.

"You're beautiful, you don't need to starve yourself." He told me.

"Im not anorexic or do I have an eating disorder. I'm just not hungry." I lied again.

"Fine, but you're eating later." I noted before grabbing my laptop. I typed in the password for it and let him mess around. A few hours later we somehow ended up watching YouTube videos off of my laptop and cuddling. It was nice.

"Awe, look at the love birds, even though they met about 2 days ago. It's adorable." Ben cooed from the door. "You might wanna wait till you're at least married before knocking up you lady Denis."

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