That's ridiculous, I thought. I wanted the old book so badly, it was almost impossible to hold back. But at the same time, the wiser part of my heart was opposed to the idea.

I took a breath, plastering on my most convincing smile as I said hastily, "Thank you for the offer, Ms. Violet. But it sounds better when you read it and I'm sure the other students think so as well. I can't possibly take that away from them,"

I gave her a hurried apology and rushed out. I could feel her stare searing the back of my neck as I went.

As soon as I left, I was tempted to go back... and I almost did. But that same feeling kept sweeping over me, urging me not to. What's the matter with me???

I sat on one of the old benches in the third grade hall with my fingers pressed to my temple and my eyes shut tight. After a while, I finally reached the root of my churning emotions.

Distrust, and fear.

For in Ms Violet's eyes, there was indeed a facade of generosity and empathy. Behind that though, maniacal hunger, malice. And behind that....

....all I sensed was darkness

Ever since that day, my love for stories never faded, but whenever Ms. Violet called on me, she would have this hard, suspicious edge in her eyes. Though the corners of her mouth remained curved up, her eyes gave her away. I could practically feel the frigid coldness in her eyes trying to burn through my skin. And every time, I would get the same uncomfortable, fearful feeling, only it had grown to be more insistently more cogent. And she still tried to insist upon giving me the book.

One such Monday, the bell rang (after 72 microwave minutes of class), and I jumped up and began hurriedly gathering my things and shoving them in my bag, careful to avoid flattening my lunch.

But just as I was about to depart, Ms. Violet called out, "Bianca, a moment please." I froze. Ariel paused and looked at me questioningly. I forced a smile and said, "You go on ahead. I'll catch up with you." She nodded and exited the room.

Ms. Violet and I were completely alone. She slowly walked over to the door and closed it with a prominent click, sealing us in. Then she turned to me and grinned in a way that seemed borderline demented. I took a step back. "Are you okay Ms. V?" She didn't answer that. Not that I needed an answer. Something was obviously wrong with her.

"Why didn't you take that book all those weeks ago when I offered it to you? You must love reading. So why didn't you?" She said with a voice dripping with sickly sweetness. I was left with no honest answer. Luckily growing up in the orphanage with an old hag as a guardian had not left me defenseless. I could be a good liar, when I needed to be.

 So I wiped away the expression of distrust and put on a bored look. I shrugged and said, "I dunno. I guess it just didn't feel right, you know?" She emitted a tinkly laugh and said, " You are nice aren't you?" she started giggling insanely again. "Are you absolutely sure  you don't want it though?"

I can't deny that once again, I was tempted by the offer. I felt that those stories were a part of me. But, for some reason, I still didn't trust her. So instead, I feigned cheerfulness and said, "No thank you!! I'm fine."

I saw her clench her teeth for a moment, then say with forced amiableness, "Please, I insist." She held it out to me. I ran my hand lightly across the cover. Wait-was it my imagination or did a slight buzz seemed to go through it as I touched it.

I quickly pulled my hand off it, and attempted vainly to cover up my shock. I gave her a forced grin and said, "Really, I think it's meant for you. I like to hear you read it."

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