Scorpio x Cancer

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Cancer's POV

I walked through the halls of my school, Helios High.  It was the first day back after summer vacation, and everyone was excitedly talking to their friends.  I made my way to my two best friends, Virgo and Capricorn, who were discussing the summer assignment we had for our English class.  After getting our schedules, we walked to our first class, which the three of us had together.  I was rather soft-spoken, so it was natural that I did not say much on our little journey to the classroom on the third floor.  I walked in behind the two chatty girls, and the three of us sat down in the back of the class in a little triangle like we always did.  I brushed my blonde hair out of my eyes as I took my seat, already taking out my notebook and pen, ready to get any papers or whatever we got on the first day.

"Hey, Cancer, isn't that your old friend, Scorpio?" Virgo whispered to me, as a tall, dark-haired boy waltzed into the room like it was nobody's business.

"Oh yeah!" Capricorn replied before I could, "He was the one who just stopped talking to you, right?  Like, after 6th grade?"

I nodded, glancing down at my notebook before anyone could notice the blush appearing on my cheeks.  Yes, Scorpio and I used to be childhood friends, in fact, we still lived next to each other.  But once we hit 6th grade, we just weren't that great friends anymore; he stopped talking to me except for the occasional conversation, and he started hanging out with Aries and Sagittarius, people he claimed were "more like him."  Okay, just because all three of them were guys doesn't mean I couldn't hang with them either, right?  It hurt a lot, especially because I was just starting to develop a crush on the kid.  And with my emotional turmoil always seeming to be in full swing, it was hard to keep it all under control.  Of course, I was mostly okay now, since I could not hold a grudge for the life of me.  Just then, I heard someone sit next to me.  A certain tall, dark, and handsome someone that just happened to be the guy we were all just talking about.

"Hey Cancer, what's up?"

I couldn't believe it.  Why was he talking to me?  What did he want from me?

"H-hey Scorpio.  Long time no see, huh?"

My eyes widened when I realized what I had said.  I felt incredibly embarrassed now, quickly glancing down again.  But I was relieved to hear a chuckle coming out of the boy's mouth.

"Yeah, sorry about that.  I really shouldn't have done that to you.  Maybe...maybe I could make it up to you."

I felt myself beginning to open up a little bit, so I rolled my eyes.  "Yeah, sure.  Like I would let you," I responded sarcastically.  I smiled at him good-naturedly so he would know I was kidding.

He chuckled softly.  "Still the same-old Cancer I see."

I was about to say something else when the bell rang, signaling the start of class.  I had trouble focusing on the class.  My eyes kept wandering around, trying to see who else was in our class.  Sagittarius was sitting behind Scorpio, talking quietly to Aquarius, making her chuckle softly.  Leo was passing notes to Gemini and Libra, and they were struggling to hold in their laughter.  Taurus, and Pisces were actually paying attention, and Aries was throwing tiny paper airplanes at the rest of us, trying to be funny I guess.  I mean, it kind of was, but still.

After the bell rang, the rest of the day kind of flew by.  As did the rest of the next two months.  Nothing really special happened until late October, when Helios High was announcing the Halloween dance that was going to be on Halloween.  We were all buzzing with excitement, and Cap, Virgo and I were going to go dress shopping after school, already excited.  We were walking out together, all laughing and chatting about what kind of dresses we wanted, when I heard someone call me name.

"Caner, wait!"

The three of us turned around simultaneously, as if in a movie.  There stood Scorpio, holding a bouquet of daisies, my favorite flowers, and Aries and Sagittarius were with him, holding signs.  Aries's sign said "Will you go to. . ."  And Sagittarius's sign said "The dance with. . ."  And Scorpio, fumbling with the flowers, held up one that said "Me."  I began blushing like crazy, and Virgo and Cap were freaking out behind me, adding to the embarrassment.

"Cancer, I know I have been a jerk to you over the years, but I wanted to make it up to you because I like you.  A lot.  I know I'm a jerk, and I know I have issues, but I want you to know that I would do whatever it took to be with you.  This has been a fast few months, but it has been some of the best I've had in a long time.  You are perfect.  Your blue eyes outshine the stars, and I know you deserve so much better, but please let me take you to the dance."

I had to laugh at his puppy-dog face he was giving me.  This was all too surreal for me, but he was the one thing that brought me back to earth, safe and sound.

"As cliche as that speech was, I cannot hold a grudge on you forever.  Yes, I forgive you, and yes I will go with you."  I smiled as he came over and wrapped his arms around me, and we both laughed as he hit me in the back of the head with the sign.  We all decided to walk out together, me holding the flowers, Scorp holding the signs, and both of us holding hands.


Okay, so I know this is absolutely TERRIBLE, but it's my first one-shot or story of any kind like this, so please bear with me XD  I hope you like it, and if you have any other requests, feel free to let me know!

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