Chapter 2

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Rose POV
I was training with Dimka , but when I turnes around , he pushed me to the wall and started to kiss my neck , I let out a moan . He went up to my cheek and he was still kissing . He met my eyes and started to push his lips against mine . We almost kissed , when I heard a scream.....BEEEP BEEP BEEEEEP
- Fuck , my alarm clock ! I was just dreaming . I can't believe it !
Another good dream . I went to take a shower .
I put up black skinny jeans and a dark red tank top with a black leather jacket with my favorite black combat boots . I picked up my bag and went to Lissa's and Christian's room . I knocked on the door , Chris opened it. His hair was a mess and he was shirtless .
- Hello Rosie ! Lissa is in the shower .- he said yawning .
- Hello Sparky , ok . I' ll wait here.
Ten minutes later we walked to our classes .
At lunch I sat down next to Mason .
- Hello Mase . What' s the matter ?
- Hello Rose! You heard about our knew trainer ?
- No , nothing ! And you ?
- I thought , Belikov or Lissa said to you .
- No , what they had to say ?
- Guardian Belikov will be our new trainer .
- What? - I said . Oh , no ! What if they find out cuz we are in love ? Oh , no ! This can' t be happening !
I stood up and ran to my training lesson with Dimitri . But in front of the door I bumped into Mia .
- Hello , Bloodwhore !
- I'm not a bloodwhore and if you excuse me , I have to go to train !
- Oh , you have to go to train ! That's adorable ! You have to go to train with your Russian Bad ass God ! I know , he is your lover , and when he was a strigoi , you were his bloodwhore . You' re such a bitch .
I didn't controlled myself and punched her nose with all of my strength. She fell to the floor , when Dimitri came .
- I'm not anyone's bloodwhore ! And you don't know the time , when he was strigoi ! He don't did anything wrong . He just fed himself ! - I said , I think a little bit too loud .
- Yeah , yeah , yeah I know , the lies . But the truth is cuz he own and use you as his whore . You are such a bitch , nothing else !
I wanted to punch her again , but someone behind me grabbed my arm .
- Leave her alone ! - he shouted . He pulled me in the gym and closed the door behind us .
- I'm sorry . I..... I didn't want to punch her , but she said these things ... about you.......and.... I - I started to apologize .
- No , you don't need to apologize . I heard everything , and I feel reapy bad. I know cuz she were right . I used you and I feel horrible ! I am the one who have to apologize . I don't know why are you by my side . I am a horrible person .- he said with so much sadness in his eyes.
I walked closer to him and I put my hand on his cheek .
- No , don't say this ! It wasn't your fault ! And I'm not mad at you , because I love you with all my heart .- I said and I kissed him gently on his soft and warm lips . He kissed me back . It's began with a sinple kiss , but became somerhing more , hungrier . I pulled his shirt off and I smoothe his muscles on his chest . I walked to door and I closed it . I pulled my shirt off . He started to kiss my neck . I pulled off his pants and he pulled off my . He touched my back as he pulled off my bra . I hugged his hips with my legs . He pushed me to the wall and we laid down on the wall and pulled closer to each other if is possible ...........(I think you know how this ends )
I dressed up with Dimitri ' s hand around my hip . I decided to take a shower before I go to my room , so I walked to the gym's bathroom . I enjoyed the warm water's feeling on my body . I almost jumped out of my body when I felt twoo hands around my naked body , but I realized cuz it's just Dimitri .
- Comrade , what if I got a heart attack or I punch you ? I almost jumped out of my body .- I said , but he just laughed . ........
A week later still Rose's POV
It's a week since Dimitri is my classes trainer , but not happened nothing wrong . So I am happy . I felt a littlr bit dizzy in the school so I went into the bathroom to fresh up myself .
At lunch I sat next to Mason. I was surprised cuz Lissa and Christian had the lunch with us .
- Hey , Rosie !- Chris smiled at me .
- What's up , Sparky?
- You heard the news ?
- What kind of news ?
- About the bad ass Russian God ?
- Oh ! What about Guardian Belikov ?
- I went to the headmistress , who said cuz my aunt will be here in a few weeks . So she needs a guardian . And she is still in love with Belikov , so if he wants to be , he will be my aunt's co-guardian .
- What the fuck !- I said , I thibk a littlr nit too loud , cuz Kirova heard me .
- Hathaway ! In my office . Now!
I stood up and walked into jer office , where I saw two persons hugging , but my eyes were wide when I realized who are they . The woman has long black hair and blue eyes , she looked like a lot like Sparky . And the other one surprised me the most . He were my soulmate my boyfrien , my love , my only one , my Dimka .
They sat down when they saw me . I sat down in front of Kirove with my hands crissed in front of my chest . The woman sat down next to me and o her other side was he .
- Ok . I'm happy cuz you are here Natasha . And I am happy cuz you and Belikov are together . I am happy gor you two .
I felt like someone slapped me hard on the face . I felt that dizziness , what I felt in the classrom . I didn't said anything . I just stared at Kirova whit wide eyes . I saw in my eyes corner cuz Dimitri put an arm aroznd her shoulder. I felt cuz the tears started to form in my eyes . I stood up .
- I'm sorry headmistress , but I feel a little dizzy . Can I go in my room ti fresh up myself .
- Oh , of course . I'll see you soon to talk about your reactions .
I felt cuz I hace to threw up , my legs became week as I fell to the ground .........
I woke up in a hospital room . No one were there. I saw three notes on my table.
Hello Rose .
If you woke up I want ou to know cuz I were there but I had to go to my classes. See you soon !
The another one was from Sparky . And the third was Dimitri's .
Rose ,
I'm sorry cuz I am nit there to say this ti you but I am not strange enough . Look Rose I loved you before I became a strigoi , but now .
Love fades . Mine has . It's not your fault it's mine cuz I don't love you anymore . I am in love with someone else , who is in my ages . I am sorry. I told to Kirova cuz you'll be able to protect Lissa , so I'm not your teacher anymore . I will be Tasha's guardian and lover . I hope you'll be able to forgive me .
Tears started to fall down in my cheeks. I can't believe it ! He broke up with me in a letter ?! This can't be happening !
I dressed up and walked out off the clinic . I ran to my room , where I bumped into Lissa. She saw on me my pain so she hugged me and I toldd her my whole sorry . I covered my mouth with my hands and I ran into the bathroom . I threw up . I were dizzy , tired and heartbroken . I decided to take nap .
I laid on my bed and Liss sat down on my right side and started to stroke my hair to calm me down . And she were victorious , finally I fell asleep .
Lissa POV
I can't believe it ! He broke up with her !? In a letter ?! And it's possible cuz he cheated on her with Tasha ! He is an idiot, bastard !
When Rose finally fell asleep, I pulled out my phone to call Christian cuz I'll spend the rest of the day and the night with Rose . I'm her best friend and she needs me !
When I hang up my phone I hesitated a little bit ... Can I call him ? He is just a guardian and he ripped my friend's heart into piecies . I didn't hesitates anymore I made my decision. I'll call him . I went in front of Rose's room's door and dialed his number .
- Good afternoon , princess ? You need me ?
- Good afternoon to you too ! What the fuck did you do to my best friend ? She cried a lot ! Why the hell did you do this ?!- I asked with a lot of madness in y voice . I waited to his answer but he hang up .
I can't believe it ! He didn't answered my question . And now Rose is heartbroken and weak and sad .
She is my best friend and I have to console her ! I walked back to her but her bed was empty . I heard noises from the bathroom , so I knocked on the door . I didn't heard any answer so I walked in .
Rose were pale and weak . And she were puking . She held her stomach and she were throwing up .
Rose POV

When Lissa walked in I were throwing up . I felt so weak and heartbroken . He broke up with me and took with him my soulmate , my love , my life , my feelings and even my virginity.
I felt this dizziness again and I started to see little black spots as I fell to the ground and slip and full darkness . ......
What is this ? I wije up in a hospital bed with a sleeping Lissa on my side , whk were holding my hand . I squeezef her hand a little bit and she woke up .
- Oh , Rose ! I almost get heart attack !
A half an hour later the doctor walked in .
- So , what's wrong with me Mr. Lee ?
- Congratulations Mrs. Hathaway . You're pregnant ! - I almost jumped out of my body .
This is impossible . The one , who with ever slept is Dimitri . And both of us is a dhampyr . Oh , I can't handle this !...

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