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chicago, the city where I feel like I'm wasting my time talking to everyone, talking to my teachers, talking to people at school, talking to my family, there's never a great feeling that I used to feel as much, I felt like I never have interest in things like I used to, I'm hardly interested in anything these days but I don't mean like actually doing things psychically, I meant that I was loosing interest in this city, like it was just slowly becoming more of a picture that you see on social media and think about how much you want to go there, but in reality it just was just tearing apart, becoming an abandoned city filled with people who don't know why they should smile anymore, filled with people that don't know what the definition of anything is and don't plan on knowing what it is either.

I might sound over dramatic, because life doesn't stop for anyone, people can believe what they want to believe and people can live however they want to.

I just feel like I'm waiting for something that isn't going to happen, but I also feel like that something comes closer and closer when each hour pasts.


I heard a doorbell ring about three times and I knew right away it was michael, he rang the doorbell another three times and I kept yelling that I was coming, running down the stairs while trying to put on my shirt.

"hey michael." I smiled and he walked in quickly going to the kitchen.

"please tell me you're ready." he goes to the pantry, grabbing snacks and shoving them into his bag.

"I have to eat something first, though." I whined and he grabbed my arm.

"Fuck that, we'll go eat at a waffle place or something." he smiled and I locked my door behind me and walked to his car.

michael and I became best friends since the sixth grade and since we already graduated, he wanted to make this summer last before we both started college and I was all up for it.

when I met michael it was weird, I was invited to a party, he was doing the keg stand and after he finished well, he ended up throwing up all over me and after that I almost punched him.

until I realized that I was almost as drunk as him and I just laughed along with it and ended up getting high with him on the same night.

"can we go to ihop? or waffle house?" I asked him through the loud music he played on the radio.

"what the hell is waffle house?"

"we go there all the time when we're high, michael."

SKATER BOYS {2001}Where stories live. Discover now