Chapter Seven - Cuts, Tears and Kisses

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Chapter Seven

Yeoww. Short chapters bc really I didn't plan on wiritng for this story for like a long time but enjoy it while you can! xo

In the morning when I got up, I was in a foul mood because I remembered the events of the previous day. When I went downstairs into the kitchen, I was expecting it to only be my mother; I wasn’t expecting to see Wes at our breakfast bar eating my mother’s pancakes with no sing of my actual mother anywhere. I frowned at him and he said with his mouth full of food, “Our mothers have gone to a day spa together. I dropped my mum here not long ago. They were waiting to say goodbye to you but you never came down.”

“Don’t eat with your mouth full,” I replied, practically ignoring his whole sentence. “How does that explain the fact you’re still in my kitchen?”

He finished chewing and grinned. “Your Mum made pancakes. They were supposed to be for you but like I said, you never came down.”

“K whatever,” I huffed out.

I started banging around some dishes as I threw together a fruit salad. I could tell Wes was watching me with an amused expression on his face but I just couldn’t be bothered with him so I took to ignoring the boy.

“What’s the matter with you?” he asked.

I ignored him and sliced up some pineapple, pretending it was Sasha’s face.

He chuckled and I spun around, the look on my face murderous. “God Wes, do you still have to be here? I’m sure you have your own home to get to.”

He laughed. “Now why would I go back to my boring old house when I can get more entertainment out of watching you cut the fuck out of that pineapple?”

I growled at him before spinning back around and finishing what I started. Yesterday’s events and the events from dinner rolled around my head on repeat, successfully making me angrier by the minute. Occasionally I could hear Wes chuckling behind me, which just made me even angrier. With every piece of fruit I cut, I imagined it to be Drew and Sasha’s relationship, splitting into something useless. I was angry with Sasha for coming into our lives. I was angry with Drew for throwing our relationship over away for some girl. And I was angry with myself because I threw our relationship away too. Instead of talking it through, we got worked up and did some unmistakeable things. I knew I’d have to go apologise eventually, but right now, I needed to blow off some unwanted steam.

I was cutting some watermelon, imagining Drew under it, when it slipped off the skin and straight into my finger. I let out a yelp and dropped the knife, letting it clamber to the ground. I grabbed a tea towel and clutched my finger, hissing out a string of profanities. Great, just what I needed on top of everything else.

Behind me, Wes laughed a bit before walking around the breakfast bar island in the middle of our kitchen. He came to a stop in front of me. “Here ya clutz, let me have a look at it.”

“Just fuck off Wes,” I spat out, clutching the tea towel tighter, ignoring the pain pulsing in my finger.

He rolled his eyes. “Dude, stop trying to be hard and just let me have a look at it.” He paused and then, “Wait … are you crying?”

“No,” I snapped even though in fact, I was and I hadn’t even realised.

“Hey why are you crying, it’s only a cut?” His voice dropped a few decibels and was much softer.

“I’m fine Wes,” I mumbled, letting my stream of tears endlessly flow.

I don’t usually cry but I think the previous events with Drew really got to me. I’d really fucked up this time and I didn’t know what to do. I’d lost my ultimate best friend so it was natural to cry. But Kaitlin Appleton doesn’t cry because Kaitlin Appleton is a harsh bitch who’s driven and doesn’t get distracted. But if there was person who could get a rise out of me, it will always only be Drew.

I stood in the kitchen, holding my cut finger, crying my eyes out when Wes pulled me into a hug. His touch was so familiar and so similar to Drew that I held nothing back. I clutched him so tightly, shortly forgetting about my finger, and stuck to him as if he was going to float away. He rubbed my back in soft circles and mumbled some comforting words to me.

I think I freaked him out because he’s never seen me cry. Like, ever. Not many people have and it must have been overwhelming for him. I’m the strong one. I’m the rock for these boys. I’m the one that is there to pick up their pieces and tears. Not the other way around.

“You can tell me what’s wrong if you like,” he said softly and hesitantly. “Is it about what happened with Drew?”

I paused, of course he knew. “I fucked up my relationship. I really did it this time.” My voice was muffled by his t-shirt and I was slightly thankful for that. I think if it were completely clear, I would’ve felt like a complete idiot.

“It’s okay Kat,” he soothed softly. “Whatever it is you’ll work it out. Now do you want to let me take a look at that finger?”

I nodded my head pulled back slightly, snivelling my nose and wiping my eyes on the back of my sleeve. I showed him my finger and he cringed before pulling out the first aid kit under the kitchen sink. In one swift movement he lifted me onto the bench so he could clean and bandage my finger. It stung at first but when he finished, it felt much better.

He kissed it better making me giggle slightly. “Thanks Wes.”

“No problem. Do you want to tell me what going through your head because Drew gave me the gist of it but I didn’t really think it was this bad. I mean yeah it was angry but I thought you would’ve made up by now. It’s really over?”

“Well I’m crying aren’t I?” I countered with then dropped my eyes. “Yeah I think it’s really over. I’ve never seen him so angry before.”

He sighed. “You guys will work it out don’t worry. You’ve been friends far too long to just throw it away now. Maybe you could go over there and talk it out properly? You’re both probably calmer than yesterday I’ll bet.”

I shook my head and hiccupped a bit before finding my voice. “You didn’t see him Wes, he looked so hurt. He loves Sasha so much and I’ve tried to come between them. That’s all he sees and until she leaves or something else, he doesn’t want me in his life.”

He rubbed his eyes and let out a frustrated groan. “I’m sorry Kat. We’ll work something out. I promise.”

I shook my head and hopped off the bench. “Forget it Wes. What’s done is done.”

I grabbed a few things and began to clean up the drops of blood I left on the floor, all the while thinking that I was now without a best friend.

I couldn’t help it, as I scrubbed the kitchen floor clean, a new set of tears began to fall down my face. 

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