Chapter 3

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It was time, I'd worked towards this moment my whole life. Time to see if I could be who I was meant to be. The maid rushed up to me holding my robe, it was pure black, the black of a night sky. It had a silver collar to represent my status as one of the ten in training. If I successfully completed my quest then I would be given a white robe with a gold collar, to show I was a god. I would also be given my first crown as the future king. I pulled on the robe and looked round my room one last time.

As I walked out of the palace I saw the cheering crowds as though I was someone else. I was looking in a mirror, and it was my reflection leaving his home and family. Rose petals scattered the path and as I walked I looked around at the hundreds of faces. They were all smiling and laughing and cheering. How could they be so happy? They would have to do this some day too. I was to fall, literally fall to earth. I would step off the dais into the abyss, the space between the overworld and earth. Whilst growing up in the overworld I had my powers but, when I fell I lost that, and only then would I know if I had the gift. The gift of eternal power. If I did have the gift I would be saved from the fall and be taken safely to earth aswell as keep my powers. However If I didn't have the gift I would fall to my death. Everyones gift shows itself in different ways, my brother was caught by a huge bank of clouds becuase he can control the weather. My mum, the goddess of love and light was caught by a huge rainbow. Who knows what would happen for me. I carried on walking towards a raised dais, white and strewn with flowers, surrounding the dais were the Ten and the Ten in Training. On the dais was my family all dressed in their white robes, showing they were gods. I stepped up and turned to Promestan.

"Good luck Darius, I know you'll be great and I'll see you soon." Said Promestan gripping my forearm

"Goodbye Promestan." I said gripping his forearm too.

"Goodbye Darius, you have the gift, I know it. I'll see you soon my beautiful boy" My mum said smiling through her tears. 

"Goodbye Mum" I said, hugging her. Finally I turned to dad. This was when I would be given my task.

"Goodbye son, bring honour to the overworld and complete your task well.. Your task is to help a nation that has been oppressed for centuries by the another. You must help them become free. Remember do not get distracted form your task by anything. You must complete your task at all cost.

"I understand Father, goodbye"

He stepped up to me and pushed. I fell backwards off the edge. The wind was rushing past and my family were getting smaller and smaller. Why was nothing happening? Surely something should have caught me by now?! Suddenly something hit my back with so much force I couldn't breath. I was flying up and up and up. I looked down I was lying on a fountain of water. I had been caught! I had the gift. I grinned at the sky and laughed, I was so happy! I stood up as the fountain of water came to a stop near my family. Suddenly I heard a whinny, I turned around and saw Bucephalas flying towards me.

"Son, you have been given a gift indeed. You will be able to call on Bucephalas in times of great need. However remember, although he will be able to help you there will also be consequences if he is called, so only call him if absolutely necessary." As my Dad said this a golden whistle appeared in my hand.

"Use this whistle to call him, he will now take you to earth" Dad said. As I climbed onto Bucephalas's strong back and saw my family fade away into the distance I smiled. I was going to earth and I had the gift.

Alright sorry haven't uploaded for ages, exams :( let me know what you think!

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