Chapter 1

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Kylie's POV
"Kylie?' An annoying voice shrieked.

I opened my eyes sharply and closed them quickly to find my mother and sister above me.

This was absolutely perfect! I have a hangover as well. What a great start to the day!

Kendall: "Kylie why are you sleeping with Tyga!"

Mom: "You both are in so much trouble! Wait until your father- I mean Caitlyn finds out!"

Me:"We didn't have sex mom! Bible. Things went down but not sex! I just came here to sleep!"

Mom: "Then why are you only in your underwear?"

"Why and how did you get here?" I asked my mom, confused.

"We realised that you wasn't home and sent out a search party. We then saw pictures from last night and saw that you and Tyga were inseparable. I took a lucky guess and came her." My mother smugly remarked.

"Kydieeeee" King Cairo screamed happily.

Shit. This is not a good scene for a child to sleep him.

King: "Why are you in Daddy's bed?"

Kendall snickered. If looks could kill she would be dead, for real.

Me: "Um, because um..."

Tyga: "We had a sleepover!" Tyga hurriedly mustered up.

I didn't even know he was awake.

At least he can set the story straight.

King: " I hungwy"

King's Nanny rang into the room and removed him.

Mom: "From now on you two will have no contact with one another until Kylie is eighteen!"

Tyga: "You can't do that, Kylie is my best friend. She was there for me when I went through so much shit in life! You can't take her away from me. She was the only who believed in me"

I started crying and hugged Tyga with all my strength. My mom can't stop me seeing Tyga for 7 months, I love him too much. Whenever I was down about my Dad or hate or even my family, Tyga always said some shit that put a smile on my face. He makes my heart burst.

Kylie: "Mom you can't! Tyga is a very important part of my life. He always make me feel strong, confident and wanted. He cares for me. Unlike this family, who only use me for money"

The memory played over my mind again:

"Kylie Kristen Jenner, shut up! You are a great source of income for this family! If you mess up your reputation by dating Jayden Smith, you will bring a decreased amount of disposable income! If you do not make enough money I'll have no choice but to send you off to live me your aunt Joyce! You are just easy money Kylie, if you disobey my rules I will make sure you will suffer the consequences!"

Kylie: "He treats me right! I feel wanted with Tyga!"

Mom: "Tyga you are a disgusting man! You have made a minor fall in love with you! You have had sex with with a teenager! If you don't wait until her 18th birthday to be see her again, I will report this to the police! It would ruin everything for you."

Kylie: "WE DIDNT HAVE SEX!" I shouted.

She huffed.

Mom: You think the cops will care? He is a black male, who smokes weed, and participates in severe illegal activities! They will nail him! He will probably get 10 years! You're a smart girl Kylie, do the right thing."

Me: "I fucking hate you" I screamed.

I then felt a cold hand make a connection with my face, I then felt a stinging sensation in my left cheek.

I started crying. I have been all over the place lately and my emotions were completely uncontrollable.

Kendall: "Kylie lets just go."

I was in so much shock, I just agreed with Kendall. I put my shorts and top on, and grabbed my shoes and ran to the car.

I just cried. I had lost the only person who cared about me. My best friend, who I had feelings for on the low, is now forbidden from my life.

Mom and Kendall got in the car.

Mom: Kylie stop crying like a pre-schooler! I just saved you from your biggest mistake!



--------------------------------------So this is chapter one! I am not the best at writing but I love to do it! I have a few ideas for this story and think you will love them❤️ vote,comment💖

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