After she went into the kitchen to get some ice, she placed it on Steph's grad. He was swearing up and down that she 'wasn't holding it the right way, or applying the right amount of pressure' to his head. This caused her to physically hold it there herself, which earned an eye roll from me, and of course Ayesha caught it.

"Oh, no. This- I can imagine how awkward you may feel right now."

"I've felt awkward this whole trip so far to Be honest." My mouth speaks before I can process what I'm saying, for one of the several times today.

"Wait, do you think that I'm- That I still have- I," she fumbles with her words..

"Yeah she does," Stephen sighs, following Ayesha to throw her head back, for the second time today, in laughter. I knit my eyebrows, trying to make out what was so funny

"Look, Abigail," She looks down at me. "When me and Wardell were together it was amazing. But him and I broke up for a reason. Once my family and I moved, I changed and found new people. I missed him with all my heart but it was time for me to move on.  He did too, with you, obviously. I will always have love for Wardell, as a friend, but I will never let that interfere with you and his relationship. If it did you should've told me because that is not my intention. Especially, girl, I know if someone tried to flirt with my husband, all hell would break lose. I mean it's only the first day and I miss that man like crazy," She laughs.

'You have a husband?" I question her, giving her my full attention.

"Yes, I do. I figured Wardell already told you, that's why I paid no mind to when you had that resting bitch face every time you saw me." She jokes. "Oh, come on, you thought I didn't notice that?"

I look down ashamed that I gave her such attitude the first day of this trip. The first day. From all that went on I couldn't believe we still had two more days to go in Switzerland. It was bittersweet because I really wanted to explore this amazing city of Zürich but I was already beginning to feel a bit homesick. Hopefully the two days we have left will go by better than the first day that's started.

"But my point is," She continues. "I'm not trying to make you uncomfortable or jealous or anything of that matter. I will admit I did get a little too excited when I saw Stephen, and I deeply apologize for that." She stares at me and I can see how sincere she is about her apology.

"I should be the one apologizing honestly, to both you and Wardell," I say.

"No need to apologize to me-," Stephen quickly says.

"No," I interrupt, "I've been a complete bitch to everyone since I got here, Wardell. I was being over sensitive about everything."

"And to you Ayesha," I turn to her. "I'm so sorry for the way I've treated you, I haven't even gotten to know you; instead I just judged you from the beginning.I accept your apology and hopefully you accept mine."

"Of course I do." She says opening her arms for hug. One thing I could say, is that Ayesha gives very warm hugs.

"And so do I." Stephen adds in. "Now that this apology party is over, let's go get some food."

Ayesha and I share a laugh while Stephen playfully rolls his eyes rubbing his stomach.
After we left Ayesha's hotel, Stephen and I caught a taxi, which I was surprised, that they even had taxis in Switzerland. Even thought we got a taxi, Stephen and I had no idea where we were going, but he taxi driver was nice enough to explain to us all the sights they have here, since he could sense we were tourist. He, also, caught me by surprise because he surprisingly didn't have an accent and spoke fluent English.

Stephen Curry |One Shots & Imagines|Where stories live. Discover now