Chapter 1

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Here's the first chapter =))) Credits to Cee dela Rosa. Iloveyouuuuuuu! :***

Ayun si Joer sa right side ------------------>>>>

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Aileen's POV

 When I was busy reminiscing my past, a soccer ball suddenly bumped my head and I lost my balance. I fell into the ground with so much mud on it because of the rain this past few days. I stoop up and removed the dirt on my face and also on my clothes which came from my bestfriend.

I was pissed. I was about to punch that jerk but I stopped. I stopped because...

it was him. 

" Joer! "  - Monique 

 I was shocked because he's really standing in front of me. He just stared at my face. I was also staring at him when she appeared behind joer.

The ever so gorgeous girl which causes my heartbreaks. I was really stunned at her face.

Then suddenly, a tears fell down on my eyes and slowly making it's path through my cheeks.

I can't breathe.

This can't be happening.

It was just like memories punching me from behind. As if like there's something pounding my heart.

It is torturing me. I want to turn back and run away but my whole body doesn't want to. I remained silent then only the beating of my heart seems so loud. Of course, they can't hear it.

 " Look who's here! My one and only bestfriend. Oh! I'm wrong. I think it's EX? Yeah, my ex-bestfriend. How are you? I think you're not doing well? Why? Is it because Joer and I were dating? " - Monique

She just said those words with full of sarcasm on her face. I can't help it!

" Stop! "  Again, my tears betrayed me. They were again rushing to fall down at the ground. I was sobbing right now. I know that lots of stare were casted upon me. I think I'm going to melt. Joer... please help me! :((

" What are you staring at? It's not a drama scene for you to watch! Get lost! All of you!!! " - Joer

After he said that, I stopped sobbing. My eyes met those brown eyes again. We're just staring at each other. I'm trying to resist it, but I can't.

Then my world stop, when....... 


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