Chapter Two

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The night before the teenage boys came home.

I was showing quiet Alpin around camp, which wasn't very big so there was not much to show but, I was asked by Alexander to do so and I am not one to disobey. I was walking in front of Alpin up a hill when I guess he slipped because I heard grunting and thumping. I turned around and there he was a at the bottom of the hill laying down with his eyes closed.

"Alpin! Are you alright?!" I yelled down to him expecting at least a grunt to say "I'm alive." But all I got in answer was silence. I started to worry, so I began making my way down the hill. I have climbed this path many times knowing where the roots are for me to step down easier but nothing could have helped my when I slipped because I had lost my footing. I slipped onto my butt, but didn't stop there, soon I was rolling down the hill in my fur pelt dress. Once I rolled down to the bottom of the hill I had leaves in my messed up hair and twigs scratching my scalp. 

"Alpin," I horsely said as I crawled over to him. I put my hands on his shoulders and started shaking him. He started to stir. Thank god. I thought to myself. 

"Aw, look what we have here, a couple of love birds, rolling around in the brush," I heard Aidan say just as Alpin sat up groaning in pain. Aidan and his twin brother Ceallach (kal-ak) laughed at Alpin and I.

"Be quiet, Aidan! I will tell your mother where you've been in the last week! Yeah I saw you, stealing food from a basket! Maybe Alexander will cut off your hand as punishment!" I spat at him wanting him to go away. His turned red and he shut up but, he didn't go away like I had hoped.

"Better watch your mouth or we will make sure that you won't go tattling ever again!" Ceallach took a step forward holding up a fist. As I was about to retaliate telling him he would never lay a hand on me because of our difference in ranking. I was the Alpha's niece and he and his family were lucky to still be in the pack after all the crap they have caused over the years. Alpin pushed me behind his arm and said the first words I had ever heard from him.

"If you ever touch her I will cut your hands off myself!" Alpin yelled at them. That was when Aidan ran at Alpin and pinned him to the ground straddling him and punching him in the face. Aidan got one punch in before I ran into Aidan knocking him off Alpin and putting my small hands around his throat. Aidan tried doing anything to get me off him but I sat on his chest and squeezed his throat really hard because I was afraid if he did get his hands on me he would hurt me. I heard growling and struggling I looked over to see Alpin stopping Ceallach from coming at me. Next thing I know I am being pulled off of Aidan by big, strong hands. 

"Get off him! Act your age!" Alexander was yelling at me. Alpin and Ceallach were broken up too by Alexanders men. One of you want to explain to me what the hell is going on here?" All of us were scared into being quiet until Alpin spoke up.

"It was me sir, I started it and Kata followed it was all my fault," I just looked at him. He was just brought into the pack he could just as easily been kicked out. I started shaking my head frantically, but no ones eyes were on me except for Alpin's. 

"Carlin!" Alexander yelled at the man holding the twins. "Bring them to their mother, as for you two, wanna tell me what really happened?" Alexander crouched down in front of the both of us. I spoke before Alpin could.

"Aidan and Ceallach started making fun of us because Alpin fell down the hill passed out and I was knelt down next to him making sure he was okay. Ceallach threatened me and Alpin stepped in, Aidan attacked first," 

"This true?" Alexander looked at Alpin questioningly. Alpin nodded his head. That's when Alexander did something I was not expecting in that moment- he started laughing. "I like you Alpin, thank you for sticking up for my niece, you are brave," he said while standing up and ruffling Alpin's hair. 


The day the teenage boys came home.

I woke up that morning with a smile on my face thinking of the moment Alpin and I became best friends. I went outside of my hut to see the sun risen and the smell of the morning air.

"Kata!" my best friend Renny ran over to me, or trying to anyway in all her fur coats. "Are you not excited for today? I cannot wait to see everyone, and when I say everyone I mean Felix," she sputtered excitedly. Felix and Renny had been an item six months ago. I know she is hoping that he will marry her. I am sure a lot of girls are expecting marriage throughout the pack at the ripe age of 15. I know that somewhere inside of me I am.

"Look how mother did my hair just for today!" she exclaimed spinning slowly. Her braid was intricate leaving a lot of hair down. Two braids looped around her head and met in the back in the center while they were woven together. It was beautiful.

"I love it Renny, it's beautiful," she smiled at me widely at my compliment.

"I have to go I promised Ma I would do a chore for her. "See you later," she said while winking at me knowing that she probably won't see me later because of who was coming home.


Lol ik I promised PG-13 action but this chapter was longer than i expected so I didn't keep going. Could someone message me and explain what "voting" is on Wattpad? like what is it for??

plus some of you might be thinking why are there leaves and forests in Iceland? well i did some research and it said in the time that this book is taking place there were actually lots of forests but people kept finding Iceland and "over farmed" plus over the years the vegetation didn't become lots of forests because of volcanic eruptions and stuff like that. so, yeah I hope this story doesn't suck so far i don't think its too bad but hey what do i know?

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