Escape Wonderland

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It didn't take him long to find some poor, unfortunate soul to take back to Wonderland to free Alice, just as he promised. In a tavern he sat, smirking at the drunk man at the end of the bar. Perfect. He didn't need to know the man's name, nor did he really care. He was a businessman and this was in fact, business. Polishing off his mug of ale, Jefferson pushes up from the bar and makes his way towards the other man. He had been there for hours and watched the man down his tenth shot of rum and third mug of ale. This was almost too easy.

"My good man, come with me... I have something curious you may be interested in." Jefferson says, placing a hand on the man's shoulder.

If he weren't drunk the man probably would of protested, but in this state, you could probably ask him for a limb and he would oblige. Drunkenly, the man stands and staggers a bit causing Jefferson to turn his nose up a bit at the display. He was above these common people, the drunks passed out around the tavern or trying to take the pretty bar wenches home for a nightcap. To be honest, Jefferson was slightly disgusted by this place, but he had a job to do. A man of his stature didn't associate with common drunks.

Without much of a fight, Jefferson leads the man from the tavern, into the woods that sat behind the bar, far from where anyone could possible see them. There, hidden in a tree stump was the hat, the hat Jefferson used to travel between worlds. The man stands, simply staring and Jefferson doubted the man was even coherent. Right now though, his only concern was getting back to Wonderland.

Approaching the man, he smirks before throwing a right hook, connecting to the man's temple, knocking him out as fell the the ground. Jefferson gives an amused chuckle as he tosses the hat to the ground and watches as it begins to spin, opening a purple vortex. Leaning down, he hoists the man over his shoulder with a grunt, muttering about the guy being heavy and to lay off the ale.

Jumping through the portal, it doesn't take Jefferson long to reach his destination, instantly dropping the man just inside the door to Wonderland before dusting himself off and adjusting his coat. Glancing down he chuckles to himself.

"I wish I could say sorry, but I would only be lying." He mutters.

Grabbing the man's ankle, he drags him off the path, hiding him in the woods before stepping out, back to the path. Now, he just needed to find the blonde and they could both be on their way.

While Jefferson made his way towards Alice's hideout, Alice herself was quite busy. Books were thrown everywhere, clothes thrown carelessly to the floor, she was looking for something. Something of importance by the way she was tossing things around. Below, Jefferson found his way to the tree house, about to speak when a shoe flies from the brush covering the tree house and smacks him in the forehead. Stumbling back, he puts his hand to his forehead and grunts as he rubs the spot that was now aching. Hearing the grunt, Alice stops and makes her way over to the door and peers down at Jefferson. She spots the shoe and laughs as he glares up at her, making her laugh harder.

"Glad you find assaulting me with a shoe amusing." Jefferson mutters.

"I find it hysterical." Alice responds, dropping the ladder for him before disappearing inside.

Jefferson mutters, shaking his head and calling Alice a devil woman before he ascends up the ladder and ducks inside the tree house. Looking around at the mess, his brow raises and his gaze turns to Alice who finally smiles and stands up straight, holding a pocket watch in her hand.

"So I got assaulted with a shoe and a mess was made over a pocket watch?" Jefferson's tone carrying a bit of sarcasm.

"When and if I assault you, you'll know it and you will ask me for more." She rolls her eyes before tucking the pocket watch into her pocket.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2015 ⏰

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